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multiperson combos

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Verified Member
This could be where two people combind there moves to do combos that are done only by two or more players.
e.g two earth benders both could right click the ground then shift at each other wile holding shift look at the enemy and click and it shoots a stronger earthblast.

please say if you think of any problems with this idea and if anyone has an ideas for more multicombo moves please say.


Verified Member
This kind of combos have been suggest for some elements to do some kind of move by needing more then one person to achieve it. I think that i would like this kind of neat addition to added ,as in the show we always seen the benders have augumented their abilities by doing the same move together by two to amplyfie it .Am ill up to this suggest ,we really need this kind of feature ;)


Verified Member
There is a diffrence between two of this your is for diffrent elements ,his is from the same ones
Then that has been suggested. Multibender combos aren't exactly a new idea, lets not get ahead of ourselves and promote badly worded, very few worded, suggestions so that there isn't any confusion.
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