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Move Charging

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So when lightning is charged, it shows those aqua colored redstone particles, and I was thinking to make earth moves that need charged green redstone particles.
Earth: Charged moves show Green Redstone Particles or Dirt Breaking Particles
Water: Shows Bubbles when selecting a source
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Verified Member
That would be nice, but what about just dirt breaking particles. Seems more realistic for earthbending in my opinion.


Verified Member
That would work too. I just don't think the blacksmoke particles represent earth very well.
You could say that the black smoke is the shear amount of focus the bender is having. It's just so intense that you can see the power flowing out of his ears... Yea, nvm, ignore me. Down with blacksmoke4earth


New Member
So when lightning is charged, it shows those aqua colored redstone particles, and I was thinking to make earth moves that need charged green redstone particles.
why not lets say, just display the blockbreaking animations in like a pitter patter theme around the players feet? as if the ground was quaking?


Verified Member
why not lets say, just display the blockbreaking animations in like a pitter patter theme around the players feet? as if the ground was quaking?
If it was around their feet they'd have to be looking at their feet to know if the move has charged up, which would be kind of a pain..


New Member
If it was around their feet they'd have to be looking at their feet to know if the move has charged up, which would be kind of a pain..
not exactly, if the area where the particles appear is big enough, and the particles "jumped" then ya know


Verified Member
why not lets say, just display the blockbreaking animations in like a pitter patter theme around the players feet? as if the ground was quaking?
That's kind of counterproductive. I'd rather have black smoke in my face instead of looking at my feet to know when to launch a shockwave.

Having breaking dirt in my face might be a cool idea though...


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From my experience with particles which is slim, You cannot use bubble particles above water.
Well the bubbles could be used for plantbending, and then blue redstone particles for water or black smoke which is fine in my opinion.
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