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Move: Fireblast
Name: Fireballs
Use: hold shift on fireblast until you see smoke, then left click to release 5 half damage of fireblast fireballs, slight explosion but no explosion damage. (helps spread the radius.) Each fireball shoots in the direction of your cursor like fireblast, but each fireball would be spread throughout the course by 1 second.
Example: 0:48, if zuko can do it, most other firebenders probably could too.
1:50, if mako could do this also, only storm trooper firebenders should be unable to do this.
Name: Fireballs
Use: hold shift on fireblast until you see smoke, then left click to release 5 half damage of fireblast fireballs, slight explosion but no explosion damage. (helps spread the radius.) Each fireball shoots in the direction of your cursor like fireblast, but each fireball would be spread throughout the course by 1 second.
Example: 0:48, if zuko can do it, most other firebenders probably could too.
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