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Denied Metalthrow spammable?

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Verified Member
Hello there, I am new to this community but I've been bending for 1 year. I love metalbending, I think it's genius how you've made new moves. I have a suggestion for metalthrow. It has a cooldown after you use it, but it does a lot of damage. I think that it should be spammable, but it should do less damage then. Sorry I don't have any diagrams or screenshots to explain.


Verified Member
This would make the move better fit the show.. Kuvira never took time in between her shots of metal and neither did her guards when they bombarded Bolin and Mako with small plates of metal.


Verified Member
This would make the move better fit the show.. Kuvira never took time in between her shots of metal and neither did her guards when they bombarded Bolin and Mako with small plates of metal.
That is true. Good point brining up things from the show


New Member
EDIT: You can not, but I will update metalthrow tonight for you ;D

Also, you might wanna go post this on the thread it was made on. It was a custom ability.
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Verified Member
EDIT: You can not, but I will update metalthrow tonight for you ;D

Also, you might wanna go post this on the thread it was made on. It was a custom ability.
you can talk about this stuff in suggestions its fine , but if you want us to talk about it there its fine :)
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