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MetalClips affects minecart - earthblast launches it

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Verified Member
Shifting with metalclips while in minecart won't cause you to jump out of it, but it will allow you to ride it endlessly if you continue holding that key pressed down, unless the tracks for the cart ends or other circumstances that stops it from going forward when riding it regularly. While this would require for the rider to sustain the same hand motion for the time (s)he's bending it, this would of course would leave the bending fatigued if done for a long time, so I propose a cooldown, which can be increased up to 3 times, each time being added for how long the user was sneaking. Shifting on another minecart while not in(/on?) it will cause an invisible push to that vehicle.

~ That's all~

EDIT (Title Change too)
A bender can select it as a source (shows smoke to indicate that its selected) with earthblast, and can be shoot it away at someone (deals a bit larger knockback than usual).

Could be possible moved with shift, as seen How Kuvira did it in second gif.
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Verified Member
Changing the thread and the title: earthblast would affect it instead of metalclips, if this entity inserted in the bendable list
UPDATE: Changed the Title
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