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Verified Member
I don't know if this has been suggested or not but here it goes.

I think metal clips and metal moves in general need to be faster and longer ranged. As of right now metal clips is like a "toss", but in the show they shot metal at each other like bullets.


In the gif they don't appear to just be tossing the metal at each other but are shooting it at high speeds. If it's possible metal clips and future metal moves need to shoot faster. Maybe there should be a seperate function of metal clips that's just shooting for damage and not to encase the opponent in armor.

The point is metalbending is very fast pace and precise but metal moves in the game aren't depicting that well.

By the way this is like my second time making a suggestion that's not WATER so go easy on me XD


Verified Member
They weren't metalclips. Pretty sure one has the intented to hurt others by stabbing the "ingots" in, as they looked to be sharped shape for a purpose.
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