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MetalArmor In AS

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Verified Member
I was browsing through the forum, until I encounter this excellent/genius idea thread http://projectkorra.com/threads/metal-bending-iron-golems.79/#post-316

I than thought to myself, wouldn't it be awesome to become iron "golem" by wrapping your body from the iron blocks or doors you find into this armor looking.

My idea is, that avatarstate affected metalbenders will be able to wrap their body from the 3x3 area they are standing on or a wall that are close-by with EarthArmor. As suggested, normal metalbenders will only get normal armor, i.e iron.chestplate, leggings, boots ect.

With this fake iron golem (suit), that you are able to control, will have the same attack damage and health/resistance of an actual iron golem. Yes it's op, but so is being in the avatarstate. You could also use it as a camouflage to blend in a generated village that is surrounded with villagers.
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