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Denied Metal Armor

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Verified Member
This is a move for metal benders.

Small Spoilers From Episode 10 Below, Read At Your Own Risk

My move is called Metal armor: Basically when you have two iron pressure pads in your inventory you can tap shift and put on an iron chest plate and iron leggings for a few seconds. This offers extra protection when you are in need. You may think that this is too op, but the iron plates will disappear when you use them, and the armor lasts for a maximum of 10-12 seconds. No buffs or de-buffs will be applied to anyone. I got this idea from when Suyin and Kuvira were fighting. If you don't know what I am talking about here is a gif:



Verified Member
It should probably work like earth armour, you get the metal armour from iron blocks on the ground, or even iron pressure plates on the ground.


Verified Member
Thats a good idea, and I would have posted that however those don't spawn naturally. This could be a good time to bring up the idea of adding some "machinery" to arenas for metal benders. Maybe like piles of scrap metal or a random generator in the corner. They would be evenly spread out but not too many so it makes metal bending op. This could also prove to be useful for other future metal bending moves. Just thought I would mention it for anyone reading this who owns a server.


Verified Member
This could be taken further to using metal armor as sources for metal bending. Either using durability or the pieces entirely as the source if nothing is near by, similar to how water benders use bottle. Just a thought though, and only necessary if metal bending expands to that kind of degree.


Verified Member
Metal armour is just the metal bending version of earth armour, maybe this should be implemented as Earth Armour but it changes the armour depending on the source.

Alos I agree, Metal bending lacks a lot of bending moves we've seen in the show so it'd be nice to see this as it's be requested a lot from an early stage.


Verified Member
Metal armour is just the metal bending version of earth armour, maybe this should be implemented as Earth Armour but it changes the armour depending on the source.

Alos I agree, Metal bending lacks a lot of bending moves we've seen in the show so it'd be nice to see this as it's be requested a lot from an early stage.
I think that's a good idea, (the depending on what source you click) i think it'll make it much less OP and abusive.


Verified Member
Or if no one like the original idea, I was also thinking about how Kuvira uses metal from her outfit to shoot the metal clips. Why not make the same thing in Minecraft where when you are wearing an iron chest plate you can shoot metal clips from it. The clips however would deplete the armors durability each time it is used.


Verified Member
Yeah, that what i was thinking. Maybe make it possible for the armor to repair after the shots or something, like how they return the metal to their armor, or how water returns to the bottle after each attack that hits.


Verified Member
This is a good idea. You could gain this metal amor from iron sources and then be able to use the armor as a source for a metal bending move. WE NEED MORE METAL


Verified Member
Normally I would agree with you there, but I feel that there aren't enough metal bending moves, so I am doing my best to integrate them in any way possible. Thanks for the input though :)
A friend of mine thinks the same way but what with recent developments. I fear fighting a spamming metalbender especially metalclips. I'm not exactly sure what abilities your server uses but I will say this ,-, The one we are on makes a very decent output for metalbenders
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