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Bug Report [Local Bug] AirBurst Bug


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Project Korra Version 1.5.0 dev 14
CraftBukkit 1.7.9-R0.2-11
Ability Bug: AirBurst
Bug Description: When using AirBurst by holding shift and then releasing, a cloud of particles forms but no push factor occurs. The sound for AirBurst plays, but the move never activates.

After falling from the designated height, and even higher, the same issue occurs. Particles appear, the sound plays, but there is no push occuring.

The only way AirBurst works is by charging it and then clicking creating the one-way AirBurst.

What Should Be Happening: AirBurst should behave the way it normally does, by pushing all mobs away with a ring of particles pushing out, when released after charging with shift, or after falling from the proper fall threshold.

When I say "Local Bug" I mean that this bug occurs on a few servers, but not on all servers. I have made sure that this bug is not caused by an add-on moves created by other people. I have reported this bug before but it was ignored, most likely because this bug doesn't always occur on every server. On some servers it works and others it doesn't. For some servers its one move for others, its another move.


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Any errors in your console? Is it on every world? What are the region flags set to?

/region info
/region info __global__


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No console errors, every world (I think. I'll test it tomorrow.), don't use regions.


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are you using worldguard 6? if you're not it could very well be your problem but you would probably have tons of errors in the console if running wg 5.9.

just for giggles tell me what flags if any are set in /region info __global__


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are you using worldguard 6? if you're not it could very well be your problem but you would probably have tons of errors in the console if running wg 5.9.

just for giggles tell me what flags if any are set in /region info __global__
It doesn't work on any world and I don't use any version of world guard, so that command did nothing.


Verified Member
Ah! Sorry I misunderstood you, when you said "don't use regions." I took that as you had worldguard installed but just weren't using any region flags!

Airburst does nothing but create multiple airblasts in a fan shape or in a 360 depending on if you click or release it. So does airblast work 100% of the time?
The ONLY difference between the 360 version and the angled version is a check to see if the angle is as specified in the config, otherwise it should be creating airblasts all the way around the user.


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The 360 version starts, it creates a cloud of particles around the player but then it just fizzles away into nothing. The angled version does work though. Also the drop activated version works properly. Just the shift+release 360 doesn't work.
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That's quite strange as there is literally one line of code that is different between the cone burst and the sphere burst. This one line of code just tells the burst to only fire if the position is within the angle specified.

Does your servers tps stay up pretty consistently? Like 19+?

Are you running any other plugins that might mess with player knockbacks and velocities? Such as NoCheatPlus?


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My server seems to consistently keep a TPS 0f 20. As for Plugins I have GroupManager, WorldEdit, ProjectKorra, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsProtect, EssentialsSpawn, and EssentialsAntiBuild


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Try to rename EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to EssentialsAntiBuild.disabled and restart server. See if your problem persists.. I removed antibuild long ago because of issues and never went back.


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Try to rename EssentialsAntiBuild.jar to EssentialsAntiBuild.disabled and restart server. See if your problem persists.. I removed antibuild long ago because of issues and never went back.
I removed EssentialsAntiBuild and the issue persists.


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Is it worth noting that I am using the (white) smoke particle type?


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Is it worth noting that I am using the (white) smoke particle type?
I think that's the one I'm using as well, the particle type shouldn't cause an issue unless they were erroring out again that should be throwing errors in the logs. You *could* try changing them in the config but I see no logical reason for that to make a difference with no errors in the log files. If it made a difference I would be highly surprised because the particle is just something you see clientside the knockback is created based on the target being in a location when it happens.

Your plugins are all pretty standard and nothing there should have been causing the issue. I only suggested removing anti-build because in the past it has caused a lot of server side lag. Newer versions may be fine but we have no need for that plugin on our server.

Just out of morbid curiosity does it only blow away entities like dropped blocks and mobs when you do the cone burst or does sphere burst just not knock back players?


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Few questions

What version of bukkit or spigot do you use?

Did you change the pushfactor of AirBlast or Burst?

Do you have an anti hacking plugin?


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I use bukkit 1.7.9 r0.3
Didn't change the push factor

I'm currently Testing Different Combo's of plugins to find out which one actually breaks it for me.
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Okay so falling and clicking work with all my plugins. 360 mode is being weird. Sometimes it pushes, other times it doesn't. Some times the push makes it worse because they come running back just as fast as they were pushed away. Only when falling and clicking do the particles work. Will Check Log.


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Okay, so I made a new server folder with only CB and PK and the issue was still there.


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I'm starting to think this is an issue with your craftbukkit version.
I mean looking at the code again there are no differences in how the cone burst and sphere burst do particles and knockback.

I am running the latest patched spigot with the 1.8 protocol hack.
Is there a newer craftbukkit you can try against?
If you can find Spigot build #1649
You can patch that up to the latest spigot and that should make everything peachy. Not starting a CB vs Spigot discussion here I just know 1649 patched works fine with airburst.


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I'm starting to think this is an issue with your craftbukkit version.
I mean looking at the code again there are no differences in how the cone burst and sphere burst do particles and knockback.

I am running the latest patched spigot with the 1.8 protocol hack.
Is there a newer craftbukkit you can try against?
If you can find Spigot build #1649
You can patch that up to the latest spigot and that should make everything peachy. Not starting a CB vs Spigot discussion here I just know 1649 patched works fine with airburst.
Because of the whole "Wesley Wolfe" issue with Spigot, and Bukkit, and all of that I don't know where to go to find it. Could I have a link to the spigot 1649 build?


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It's real hard to find links to it online, and most forums don't allow people to post links to it. You also have to be real careful if you get it from someone because they could have modified it. There are instructions on spigots site as to how to verify that the version you have is secure and not modified. (which is easy to do)