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Complete Lightning

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New Member
Can somebody code a new element Lightning so its more than just a lightning volt? plz.
send a link for the download if u code it plz, sry if im annoying u


New Member
@MistPhizzle - Close this thread please your highnyness (i have no idea how to spell it), this post is
1) in the wrong section
2) completely lacking format
3) completely lacking and examples, or suggestions of how it could be added.


Verified Member
If you would like a move created, you're going to have to post it in the suggestions forum and hope someone wants to make it for you. This is the downloads section of the forums. If you do not have anything for people to download, do not make a post in this forum.


Verified Member
dont be so harsh, alot can change in 3 years. + you cant really tell others to grow up....
Yeah, like the ability to WALK!!!!!
Edit: I have no idea why I posted anything like this. Sry if this came across as rude.


Verified Member
I request a lock on this, maybe deletion. This has devolved into a few petty arguments about nothing.
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