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Lightning Changes

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New Member
To start off, I can't help but feel lightning is a bit under-powered, but overpowered at the same time. First, lightning needs a smaller charge time. In the show, some benders could instantly fire their lightning bolts, such as Mako or Ozai. I'm not suggesting lightning be given no charge time, but maybe having it do less damage the quicker you charge it and more the longer you charge.
Also, lightning seems only to fan out horizontally, which is a bit unfair to the user. Instead, making it fan out horizontally and vertically will help hit more. As well as that, maybe an idea of a main bolt going straight forward and smaller discharges coming off of it doing less damage would be a good idea. Maybe a longer range could be considered as well?


Verified Member
Agree on the "do less damage the quicker you charge it and more the longer you charge." part. However, it must have two of difference particle shifts, to let the player who performs this ability know how much he needs to hold shift to perform the quicker lightning or longer lightning, without the need of counting.
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