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Lave length and torrent

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New Member
Lava should last longer once made using lavaflow.
A lava torrent should be added, the same as torrent but using lava, also has a short time of burn damage


Verified Member
Lava should last longer once made using lavaflow.
A lava torrent should be added, the same as torrent but using lava, also has a short time of burn damage
Sources like lavathrow or like lavasurge? Also you can only have one suggestion per thread. This should also be in RPGs or core suggestions. Also I would recommend editing this to be the recommended format. Edit: Done jedk1.
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Verified Member
Please do not make a post in the download forums if you don't have anything to offer via download. In this case, a custom ability.


Verified Member
@MistPhizzle read the rules Before posting in the Abilities Section Unless you have Ability Coded for Download. move this to Suggestions.
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