Verified Member
While yes, I have seen a suggestion for this same move, this is going to be different, and I could not fine the original post.
Element: Lavabending
Use: This would create a boomerang like shuriken that will follow uthe lavabender around, it would be the same block as the smallest flow of lava, you would summon this in 5 seconds of holding down lava shuriken on earth, or instantly on lava. It would come back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 times, (post below which one you want, I want 15)(configurable ) It would do 3 hearts of damage, no burning(configurable), It would circle the lavabender, dealing damage to anyone who touches it(configurable). It will have the same knockback as earthblast(configurable). If you changed slots while using lava shuriken it would trigger the timer to replace the earth/lava and break the shuriken.
Element: Lavabending
Use: This would create a boomerang like shuriken that will follow uthe lavabender around, it would be the same block as the smallest flow of lava, you would summon this in 5 seconds of holding down lava shuriken on earth, or instantly on lava. It would come back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 times, (post below which one you want, I want 15)(configurable ) It would do 3 hearts of damage, no burning(configurable), It would circle the lavabender, dealing damage to anyone who touches it(configurable). It will have the same knockback as earthblast(configurable). If you changed slots while using lava shuriken it would trigger the timer to replace the earth/lava and break the shuriken.