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Verified Member
While yes, I have seen a suggestion for this same move, this is going to be different, and I could not fine the original post.
Element: Lavabending
Use: This would create a boomerang like shuriken that will follow uthe lavabender around, it would be the same block as the smallest flow of lava, you would summon this in 5 seconds of holding down lava shuriken on earth, or instantly on lava. It would come back 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, or 30 times, (post below which one you want, I want 15)(configurable ) It would do 3 hearts of damage, no burning(configurable), It would circle the lavabender, dealing damage to anyone who touches it(configurable). It will have the same knockback as earthblast(configurable). If you changed slots while using lava shuriken it would trigger the timer to replace the earth/lava and break the shuriken.


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I think that the amount of times that it came back should be very low for a default, as bending lava is very hard, especially making go to a spot and then pull it back.


Verified Member
I like this idea alot, probably make it come back around 10 times. I can see this move being called OP really quickly, but saying that, you need to land 4 hits rather quickly to avoid regeneration, I think this should depend on how fast it returns to you, also what would happen if you threw it and it hits a wall? Block damage? It gets stopped and breaks? It stops but returns?

What if an earth bender EarthGrabs you? Does it get stopped or is the circling radius smaller than an earth grab?

Once it's thrown, can you redirect it's trajectory? So like throw it around a wall? You've suggested it's like a boomerang.

Sorry to ask all these questions, I quite like the idea, I just wanna see how customisable it is


Verified Member
I like this idea alot, probably make it come back around 10 times. I can see this move being called OP really quickly, but saying that, you need to land 4 hits rather quickly to avoid regeneration, I think this should depend on how fast it returns to you, also what would happen if you threw it and it hits a wall? Block damage? It gets stopped and breaks? It stops but returns?

What if an earth bender EarthGrabs you? Does it get stopped or is the circling radius smaller than an earth grab?

Once it's thrown, can you redirect it's trajectory? So like throw it around a wall? You've suggested it's like a boomerang.

Sorry to ask all these questions, I quite like the idea, I just wanna see how customisable it is
I would think it would bounce off any blocks it hits, like captain 'murica's mighty french shield.

If an earthbender earthgrabs you, it would come back to you if it is inside the earthgrab, or hit the earthbender and not come back.

Maybe it would follow your cursor a little bit.


Verified Member
How about it come through some soft blocks like dirt, sand or grass and bounce off stone and cobble? So like it would slice through an earthgrab?

Though I like the idea of like disconnecting you and the disc, maybe it would disconnect you but it's already inside you could melt the earthgrab and the lava falls down to the ground so you can jump over?

So if you shot it and looked up, would it gradually just go up or would it come back to you whilst going upwards?


New Member
How about it come through some soft blocks like dirt, sand or grass and bounce off stone and cobble? So like it would slice through an earthgrab?

Though I like the idea of like disconnecting you and the disc, maybe it would disconnect you but it's already inside you could melt the earthgrab and the lava falls down to the ground so you can jump over?

So if you shot it and looked up, would it gradually just go up or would it come back to you whilst going upwards?
hmmm... cutting thru blocks... returning to the player.... placing lava... i take it you havent seen my fancy lil move:


Verified Member
this guy just said what i was thinking of XD ^ as @Jaye just said there is already lavadisk that acts like the lava shuriken that both Ghazannd bolin uses :p and its almost congiurebal in all the ways you said it should, it kan go thru stuff or not and end or continue after entity hit, even go thru log's...so yeah try that one firstly guys XD


Verified Member
Lol, I love your signature XDDD ^^^, that distracted me from everything else xD.
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