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Denied LavaManipulation

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So by the title of this thread, you can probably guess what it is going to be. Well erase your thoughts on that because it is not totally what you think.
(L by W by H)
First off, if you shift at lava, if there is enough lava, a 2 by 2 by 1 piece of the lava will raise up. After this you don't need to be holding shift for the first part.

If you just sneak > let go of sneak > left-click : the piece of lava you raised will be shot in the direction you clicked.

If you sneak > hold sneak : You can move the lava around like earthsmash, if you let go of sneak, the lava drops.

If you sneak > hold sneak > left-click : You can again move the lava around while holding sneak, but if you click while doing so, the lava will either A: shoot in the direction you clicked or B: split into two 2 by 1 pieces of lava.

If you sneak > hold sneak > left-click > left-click : If option B is selected, then this will make the two pieces of lava shoot out towards where you clicked.

If you left-click lava : The lava will cool after 1.5 seconds and turn to dirt in a 2 by 2 by 1 area.

If you left-click an earthbendable block : A 2 by 2 by 1 pool of lava will appear after 2 seconds and can be used for lava moves.

If you sneak at an earthbendable block : That one block turns to lava and then can be moved around and shot if the player is still holding shift. If the player let's go of shift, the lava drops. The lava would be able to be moved around and when being moved it is 2 blocks away from the controlling player.

If you right-click an earthbendable block : The block turns to lava

If you right-click > sneak : the lava will spread outwards in a circle. The circle would stop growing at a 4 or 5 block radius.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
If you are still holding sneak after stated above > left-click : The lava will raise up 2 blocks, then form a circle around you. This will give you a few more options:

If you left-click : the lava will go in a slash on the ground , then raise up 3 blocks towards where you clicked after having traveld 6 or 7 blocks.

If you release sneak : The lava will go out like torrent does, just only one block height and only goes out 3 blocks.

That is my suggestion, I really think this would incorporate a lot of the things lava is missing. Please, post any suggestions you have. If you are going to say something mean, you can just leave. Constructive criticism is okay, but do not be rude about it. Nobody needs negativity. Thanks for reading!


Verified Member
This looks op for a lavabender ,as this seems to have alot of various functions/variantons do ,that the bender would forget to use other lava abilities, even earthmoves (unless this would have a cooldown)


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This looks op for a lavabender ,as this seems to have alot of various functions/variantons do ,that the bender would forget to use other lava abilities, even earthmoves (unless this would have a cooldown)
Everything mentioned would have a cooling, except for the cooling of lava.


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This would add in different things, lavaflow still does things this doesn't. And lavasurge is kinda *poof* so I tried to think of how lava could become more useful and more like water in a sense of fluidity. Lava right now has no rhyme or reason, it has a jumbled set of stock and addon moves.


Verified Member
lavaflow still does things this doesn't.
I would argue about that. Your suggesting with leftclick you would be able to turn earth into 2x2 lavapool ,but by using it allows you to make a selective source for other lavabending moves to use as you said it (and possibly making your opponents fall into the pool) so i see no diffrence between lavasurge with this ,besides the size of the pool. Also the fluidity of lava shouln't be ,as i think the lava should be drnser and heavier then water.


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I would argue about that. Your suggesting with leftclick you would be able to turn earth into 2x2 lavapool ,but by using it allows you to make a selective source for other lavabending moves to use as you said it (and possibly making your opponents fall into the pool) so i see no diffrence between lavasurge with this ,besides the size of the pool.
Yes making more fluidity. There isn't much fluidity with lavabending as it is now. Even in the show lava was just like water being reused. And lavasurge never made a pool.


Verified Member
Yes making more fluidity. There isn't much fluidity with lavabending as it is now. Even in the show lava was just like water being reused. And lavasurge never made a pool.
I guess ,but torrent thing i dont like about being added to lavabending


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I guess ,but torrent thing i dont like about being added to lavabending
Its not really like torrent, the lava just forms a stationery circle around the bender and then can do different things with it. The part that is most similar is when you release shift, and that's 2 blocks lower and about 7 blocks shorter in range. And lavasurge is a lot like water in the sense that they are both liquids and have to be controlled accordingly.


Verified Member
Although some aspects of this suggestion may be interesting, I do not believe that we should be leaning towards creating a lava ability that resembles every water ability. I feel like this is what you might have in mind.
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