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Lavaflow and EarthGrab

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Verified Member
Both abilities should work properly in its adaptable enviroment/terrain even with the snow layer blocks above:
  • [LavaFlow] After Click upon, the "melting" earth blocks should turn into lava regardless if the snow layers are above them, and when they are there - they should get destroyed (lava > snow, duh!)
  • [EarthGrab] should work and act like raiseearth (pillars must erupt even if the snow is covering their blocks and the snow should ascend along with them)
  • [EarthTunnel] when the bender burrows under the snow layers, the formed air below should break the thick snow (besides, isn't that what happens when this condition occurs in vanilla game?)
Reason: well it makes freakin sense. The Earth is just literally one each away from you due to thick snow occupying it, so why in the heck it should nulify or make those three bending abilities useless? == No logic.
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