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Just a reminder.


Verified Member
While the PK team is happy to hear suggestions and stuff you have to remember that Project Korra is a core plugin. This means you can actually program your own bending moves and have Project Korra implement them into your game.


Verified Member
While the PK team is happy to hear suggestions and stuff you have to remember that Project Korra is a core plugin. This means you can actually program your own bending moves and have Project Korra implement them into your game.
Yes this is 'just a core plugin' but we still need suggestions for new moves we want to add to the core or for stuff to add to the RPG or Spirit half of the plugin. The suggestions are great to have, and it helps Concept Designers like myself think of new ideas and stuff to submit to try to get it added to the plugin. Of course you can add your own moves, but a lot of people aren't experience with Java enough to be able to make it.