Verified Member
As you see on my link to the page, waterbenders can form ice on there fingers and launch ice at them, this would be like ice bullet but it has differences
Usage:hold shift and left click on a ice block and you have 5 shots, and to know you have it active you get ice-like particles on your hands. Then you either right click to shoot them out one at a time or shift click for a barrage of them
Damage:2.5 in all, but each shot does .5 or half a heart.
Cool down:none or short because it's small damage
Uses:a quick ice move that doesn't need you to use ice bullet
Config: posibly you can use metal fragments to configure this.
Extras:in close-combat these ice claws can do 1 heart per hit and instead vanishes in a matter of time or in 5 hits
Hope you like the idea!