Verified Member
well im trying to make the Airbending Staff glide automatically but it doesn't seem to work. What am I doing wrong?
Name: glider
DisplayName: <&f>Airbender Staff
Lore: <&8>A versatile wooden staff used by <&f><&l>Air Nomads<n><&7>Switch to slot while falling to glide<n><&7>Improves the knockback and damage of<n><&f> AirBlast<n><&f> AirSwipe<n><&f>
Material: STICK
ShapedRecipe: WOOL:8, WOOL:8, WOOL:8, AIR, STICK:8, WOOL:8, FEATHER:8, AIR, WOOL:8
Glow: true
Charges: 50
DestroyAfterCharges: true
IgnoreDestroyMessage: false
AirGlide: true
AirGlideAutomatic: true
AirBlastForce: 50
AirSwipeForce: 100
AirSwipeDamage: 50
Name: glider
DisplayName: <&f>Airbender Staff
Lore: <&8>A versatile wooden staff used by <&f><&l>Air Nomads<n><&7>Switch to slot while falling to glide<n><&7>Improves the knockback and damage of<n><&f> AirBlast<n><&f> AirSwipe<n><&f>
Material: STICK
ShapedRecipe: WOOL:8, WOOL:8, WOOL:8, AIR, STICK:8, WOOL:8, FEATHER:8, AIR, WOOL:8
Glow: true
Charges: 50
DestroyAfterCharges: true
IgnoreDestroyMessage: false
AirGlide: true
AirGlideAutomatic: true
AirBlastForce: 50
AirSwipeForce: 100
AirSwipeDamage: 50