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Denied IceyDeflection - Waterbending

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IceyDodge -Waterbending

Freezes your feet into ice or water and allows you to deflect the next incoming offensive ability coming towards you.

Simply shift in water or ice and you will be paralyze there for a while.

The next offensive ability that comes at you will be deflected and blocked.

Cooldown will be determained on the ability itself, for water it would be 8 seconds, fire would be 10 earth would be 10, and air will be 6.

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Verified Member
This is basically what octopusform is for, When you want to defend from all sides, use octopusform. Sure, it isn't as effective as airshield, but it sure is a lot more offensive.


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Denied, This doesn't add a new functionality what so ever to waterbending.
They'd only be able to block waterattacks aswell, It'd be useless against most benders.
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