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Denied Ice spear (water combo)

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Verified Member
In the show, on an episode called "the southern Raiders" in this episode katara uses a move called ice sear:

Usage: combo:water bubble (hold shift)>iceblast (left click at target for a certain amount of times)

Damage:depends on what the moves amount of hits, if 5 then half a heart per spear

Cool down: 10sec

Uses:almost similar to icebullet but less defensive and easier to use.

Hope you liked


New Member
I like the idea but only .5 per hit and a big cool down? I say this move should be a reg move not a combo and work like fireshots.i think it should be a heart PER hit (not every single one is gonna hit) I really would love this move though!!


Verified Member
Boring, you want spikes, use icespike, iceblast, and icebullet. Those should be enough variations on ice spikes for a while.


Verified Member
Boring, you want spikes, use icespike, iceblast, and icebullet. Those should be enough variations on ice spikes for a while.
You keep thinkin like that we won't be getting any new moves. A lot of moves where similar in the show I don't see why not have more variation and choice.


Verified Member
And the damage should be buffed, there should be at most 7 spears, and each spear should do a heart.
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