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Denied Glass bending and for new update Slime bending


Verified Member
Well this is a very minor thought and i don't think it may happen but I was looking at some blocks in gmc and thought if i could bend them. I don't think its from any of the avatar series so its just an idea

Element: Earth (For glass) Water (For slime)
Description (Glass): well I was thinking that maybe you could bend glass like making a glass earthblast or glass shield like water surge shield. Maybe like glass spike or something
Description (Slime): using the slime blocks in the upcoming update you could turn earth into slime by pressing shift on it or something and then use it for like slime surges and slime water manipulations etc

Just a very minor idea that i can see not happening


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Try to keep suggestions based in canon and not just random stuff. However, you can customize the blocks that are earthbendable so try messing around with that.