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Following someone


Verified Member
I'm following 37 people and when I look at that list, I just realize - it doesn't do much apart from telling what people I liked/support. Whenever I see the concept "of following someone" regarding with social media, a thought occurs that the concept is about being notified if the person you're 'following' has announced anything on their wall or if they created a new post, which is what I especally expected to have in this site to be exactly the same.

Ok, cut to the chase-- It would be nice if under the "alerts" dropbox and the page it would notify such as "Cool4Kizds has created a new thread [name of the thread]" and if possible have their wallposts appear onto your wallpost (otherwise have the system notify you in alerts as well or a new page that shows the members' you follow).

That will be all!
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