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Flame thrower!

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Verified Member
Element~ Fire
Move~ Flamethrower
Charge time~ None
Duration~ Few seconds
Cool down~ 20 seconds
Range~ 5-8 blocks

This ability would have highly offensive and have almost no defensive characteristics. How the move would work is the fire bender would bind this ability to their hotbar/available slots. (Ex) /bending bind flamethrower. To activate the fire bender will hold down shift and aim in the direction they want the projected flame to go. This will slightly push the fire bender back as the move is being used, The move would launch a concentrated continuous stream of fire particles that would do very small damage, but would cause heavy fire damage to the target and cause very large amounts of fire spread. This move cannot pass through or under water, cannot be used in water. The fire bender needs land so they can firmly root themselves for the attack. This move would push the fire bender backwards very slightly, so falling off a cliff or large drop is possible if not careful. During daytime this move would do extra damage, slightly better fire spread and fire damage and would have a 2 block longer range. At night the opposite effects would happen, weaker and less fire spread and fire damage. Well that's my idea, hope you enjoy :D


Verified Member
I was thinking that fire needs a move that is controllable like Torrent because firebenders can curve their shots in the show but I just kinda wanted to say that so ignore this if you would like


Verified Member
Very good work.
Here's a link to some more Concept Designing Tricks and Tips:
I see some great potential in you. You have successfully taken something I thought would be a bad idea at the start, and described it in a very good, and clear way. This also makes sure not to replace the basic moves. Thank you for giving me hope.
And finally,
Welcome to ProjectKorra.
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