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Denied Firebending

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So in the show Azula was shown to have blue fire, an the dragons had multiple colors of fire at once. What I propose is that with a command, server owners can change the color of a players fire (obviously requiring the player to be a fire bender). I suggest the command be /b firecolor (player) (color). The colors could be red, blue, yellow, green, orange, an purple. Now you are asking, how is this possible. Well the answer (if possible) is firework particles. So many colors when they go boom, how could we not at least try to use them. This would be useful as a donator perk because of the dreaded Eula making things difficult on donating. I do not know what this would entail when coding it, could be impossible.

If this isn't possible, at least I can say that I tried.


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So in the show Azula was shown to have blue fire, an the dragons had multiple colors of fire at once. What I propose is that with a command, server owners can change the color of a players fire (obviously requiring the player to be a fire bender). I suggest the command be /b firecolor (player) (color). The colors could be red, blue, yellow, green, orange, an purple. Now you are asking, how is this possible. Well the answer (if possible) is firework particles. So many colors when they go boom, how could we not at least try to use them. This would be useful as a donator perk because of the dreaded Eula making things difficult on donating. I do not know what this would entail when coding it, could be impossible.

If this isn't possible, at least I can say that I tried.
I believe it is not possible. It's only possible to spawn in colorless firework particles.


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Just tell me which on you prefer. I could make some examples with /execute and /particle ;)


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I preferred the firework particles because they were the closest. But if you can only spawn colorless ones, there will have to be different particles. Colorful ones too.


Verified Member
I guess redstone particles could potentially be used since they're now capable of changing color (look at lightning in the newest Beta), but I'm not sure how nice this would look being used for fire. I think redstone particles could be easily recognizable as fire when accompanied by the right sounds, but I'd have to see it to say for sure.


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I guess redstone particles could potentially be used since they're now capable of changing color (look at lightning in the newest Beta), but I'm not sure how nice this would look being used for fire. I think redstone particles could be easily recognizable as fire when accompanied by the right sounds, but I'd have to see it to say for sure.


Verified Member
Why not mix some fire particles in with the fireworks? So the majority is the firework then plus a bit fire?


Verified Member
I guess redstone particles could potentially be used since they're now capable of changing color (look at lightning in the newest Beta), but I'm not sure how nice this would look being used for fire. I think redstone particles could be easily recognizable as fire when accompanied by the right sounds, but I'd have to see it to say for sure.
Those aren't actually redstone particles, they are the particles used when you critically hit someone.

As for the idea, this is a thing I've been thinking about a lot myself. If the particles or kinds of blocks would be configurable, server owners would have a lot more to give to donor players. Not just limited to different colours of fire too; you could pick music particles, heart particles, stuff like that. Kinda like what was done with the air particles, only available to be changed directly using a command, and done individually instead of globally. I know for a fact that many of the players on our server are arguing about what particles we should use for air; smoke, swirly, or white smoke. This suggestion could give each player a choice of their own.
VipDonor+ or whatever donor rank would get the ability to change its' EarthBlast from dirt to diorite, or certain ores, for example. No bonus damage or multipliers, just a decorative change. If you enable server owners to use the entire particle library for this, it'd add to the configuration style PK is going with, and it'd give some more customisation to players themselves.


Denied. Although the idea is good, but we can't create new different coloured particles currently. I'd advise a resource pack to change firebending's colour.
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