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Fixed Firebending Config Question

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Verified Member
Not so much a 'bug' as it is something that just bothers me.

Basically I just noticed that fireblast and fireburst are connected in the config and there doesn't seem to be any way to separate them (e.g. changing the range or damage on fireblast will also change the range/damage on fireburst to the same value)
I also noticed that changing the config for fireblast will not affect the charged form, just the left-click variant.

Is there a way to get around this? If not, are there plans to improve this part of the config?


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
I'm not sure if this is planned to be changed, but I can tell you the reasoning behind it. FireBurst basically calculates a circle and shoots a bunch of FireBlasts. Therefore, it has the same range and does the same damage.


Verified Member
I actually noticed in the newer versions there's an option to change FireBurst's damage separately from FireBlast, which is nice. However, the range (and most likely the other properties) is still linked between them.
Also, charged FireBlast still seems to be it's own independent ability and is unconfigurable.

If these issues could be fixed in the future, that'd be cool :)


Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
Fixed in the current version, both fireblast and fireburst respect their config options.
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