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FireAugment - Fire Ability

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God Tier Member
Verified Member
Element: Fire
Move: FireAugment
Type: Buff
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
: This move is very different than most. It has no active function, but still needs to be bound. When this move is bound, any weapon you put in the slot has FireAspect applied to it for melee, or shoot fire arrows for bow. If the melee weapon already has FireAspect applied, then the enchantment level will increase by one. If you try to use this with wooden swords/axes/etc they weapon will burn up in one use.

Thanks for reading!
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Verified Member
Element: Fire
Move: FireAugement
Type: Buff
: This move is very different than most. It has no active function, but still needs to be bound. When this move is bound, any weapon you put in the slot has FireAspect applied to it for melee, or shoot fire arrows for bow. If the melee weapon already has FireAspect applied, then the enchantment level will increase by one. If you try to use this with wooden swords/axes/etc they weapon will burn up in one use.

Thanks for reading!
I REALLY love this idea. It is both canon and VERY interesting for faction and or RPG servers!


Verified Member
Element: Fire
Move: FireAugement
Type: Buff
: This move is very different than most. It has no active function, but still needs to be bound. When this move is bound, any weapon you put in the slot has FireAspect applied to it for melee, or shoot fire arrows for bow. If the melee weapon already has FireAspect applied, then the enchantment level will increase by one. If you try to use this with wooden swords/axes/etc they weapon will burn up in one use.

Thanks for reading!
By the way, if you want backup information to prove this is canon, use these for the arrow part:
A member of the "Rough Rhinos" named Vachir has been seen using flaming arrows and pointing them at both Iroh and Zuko in the episode "The Desert". The tip of the arrows have had to had been set of fire by Vachir as the arrows are seen to be coming in the arrow bag he is wearing (sorry I don't know the name of it). Arrows cant be on fire while in a bag .-.


Verified Member
This definitely makes sense. Firebenders should be able to light arrows on fire. And swords they use should have fire aspect, like when Zuko did the thing with the fire and the swords in Zuko Alone. I also like the feature that it'll make wooden tools burn up, lol. They should get ejected from your slot and have the burning item animation, then disappear, so it'd look cooler.


Verified Member
The reason i suggest this is all the person has to do is firejet and the cooldown is pretty much over, this is a reasonable window for both opponents. This move will quickly become the most used in a firebenders arsenal if the cooldown is this short.


Verified Member
The reason i suggest this is all the person has to do is firejet and the cooldown is pretty much over, this is a reasonable window for both opponents. This move will quickly become the most used in a firebenders arsenal if the cooldown is this short.
Provided that the arena they are fighting in allows weapons. Most arenas do not, or they might have a separate arena that you can use weapons in. I feel like this would more be a move for an RPG server. Though it could work in any situation in which you have a sword/bow.


Verified Member
If you try to use this with wooden swords/axes/etc they weapon will burn up in one use.
I feel like it should be more than one use. For example, if Zuko were to set his wood sword on fire, he could easily put it out and then light it again, and put it out again, and so on. I think it'd be better if it was four or five hits. Maybe you could tie it in to HeatControl? If HeatControl is bound, then it's four or five hits, and if it's not, then it's one. Just an idea.


Verified Member
Provided that the arena they are fighting in allows weapons. Most arenas do not, or they might have a separate arena that you can use weapons in. I feel like this would more be a move for an RPG server. Though it could work in any situation in which you have a sword/bow.
I agree that this should be in rpg and not the core. It was only used twice in the show and it wasnt shown in TLOK.
...Thought it could work in any situation in which you have a sword/bow.
I feel like it should be more than one use. For example, if Zuko were to set his wood sword on fire, he could easily put it out and then light it again, and put it out again, and so on. I think it'd be better if it was four or five hits. Maybe you could tie it in to HeatControl? If HeatControl is bound, then it's four or five hits, and if it's not, then it's one. Just an idea.
I agree, but this should have a relatively long cool down, especially if what you have suggested gets added.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
The reason i suggest this is all the person has to do is firejet and the cooldown is pretty much over, this is a reasonable window for both opponents. This move will quickly become the most used in a firebenders arsenal if the cooldown is this short.
7.5 seconds seems fair, as the move is not very overpowered.

I feel like it should be more than one use. For example, if Zuko were to set his wood sword on fire, he could easily put it out and then light it again, and put it out again, and so on. I think it'd be better if it was four or five hits. Maybe you could tie it in to HeatControl? If HeatControl is bound, then it's four or five hits, and if it's not, then it's one. Just an idea.
This would be a move you would bind, making any weapon in that slot set enemies on fire, so you couldn't really combine it with heatcontrol.


Verified Member
Element: Fire
Move: FireAugement
Type: Buff
Cooldown: 7.5 seconds
: This move is very different than most. It has no active function, but still needs to be bound. When this move is bound, any weapon you put in the slot has FireAspect applied to it for melee, or shoot fire arrows for bow. If the melee weapon already has FireAspect applied, then the enchantment level will increase by one. If you try to use this with wooden swords/axes/etc they weapon will burn up in one use.

Thanks for reading!
In the show, Fire Augmentation was if there was fire around/near the user, then the firebender can pull/push the flames in a direction. Zuko did while he was after Aang (While trying to teach him).

I know it looks like a fireblast, but it really is Fire Augmentation.

Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
-Definition of Augment.


Verified Member
It would be cool if you had no weapon in the slot that it increased your punches by .5 or some increment. Just like Mako's flame daggers. This wouldn't affect any other flame ability.


Verified Member
This would be a move you would bind, making any weapon in that slot set enemies on fire, so you couldn't really combine it with heatcontrol.
I don't see why this can't be combined with Heat Control. It would be much better than a completely new ability that would need to be binded. But with swords and Heat Control punching would put out fires wouldn't it, unless it doesn't work with swords.


I had suggested a idea similar to this, to add onto Heat Control. But mainly for bows. You would have to hold shift to use it as well.

The wooden tools with fire being used up quicker seems neat, but as djmyernos said, I don't think it should burn up wood tools instantly, 4 or 5 uses seem much better.


God Tier Member
Verified Member
The wooden tools with fire being used up quicker seems neat, but as djmyernos said, I don't think it should burn up wood tools instantly, 4 or 5 uses seem much better.
There would obviously be a config setting, but 4 - 5 seems okay.
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