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Fire Source Bending

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Verified Member
Okay so I'm not sure if this has been suggested before, but it probably has. I didn't see the thread, though, so I'm yolo'ing it here:

Source Bending - being able to firebend from source blocks like torches and flame blocks, possibly even the flame from WoF if that's even possible. The user would just shift the fire block that they wished to bend from, maybe give it a maximum range of 10 blocks or so, and just click in the direction they wanted the move to travel.

Reasoning ~ It would be really useful as well as logical by making fire a bit more dynamic and flexible, all while making sense and hopefully not overpowering it too much. It'd make up for fire being the only element that has to bend in a straight line directly in front of the bender while give fire a bit more range. I know range is the last thing a firebender needs, but maybe you could only use certain moves from the source?

Scenarios - You could use it with moves like fireblast to have a bit more reach and angle to fight with. Fireblast is pretty easy to dodge if the firebender can't predict, so being able to have an angle that another bender would have to watch out for could help with this slight disadvantage. The player could be able to use the click variant of fireshield to set up a defensive barrier a length away from you, you know. Like preemptive defending and shoop(which would be AMAZING to see in a fight, imo). Possibly even being able to use blaze from a source to damage an enemy before they could get close.

So yeah, that was my idea. It'd be great to see this be implemented. This is gold here, people. (thanks OmniCypher for helping me clean up my act)
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Staff member
Lead Developer
Plugin Developer
If done correctly this could turn out cool. Id organize the information a bit more and elaborate though. Your suggestion is kinda just a wall of text with some information buried inside.


Verified Member
If done correctly this could turn out cool. Id organize the information a bit more and elaborate though. Your suggestion is kinda just a wall of text with some information buried inside.
Constructive criticism, I like it. I'll get on that. I don't want the mods to be all like "tl;dr."


Verified Member
I'm not one for criticism but this feels like someone pulled it from the movie. Maybe increase range and make the move less powerful? that would make sense given its not the fire benders own flame yeah?


There is a singleplayer mod called the Particle Glove that actually utilizes this idea. You can absorb either fire, redstone, or water particles, and then fire them. Perhaps we could see a move similar to this in future? Mod link: http://coros.us/mods/particleman


Verified Member
I'm not one for criticism but this feels like someone pulled it from the movie. Maybe increase range and make the move less powerful? that would make sense given its not the fire benders own flame yeah?
as long as this does not go too overboard, and does not become the movie's version of firebending.


Verified Member
*fire source bending was also in the show.. sorta the mood of the firelord affected the flames in the throne room so it could have some basis.


Verified Member
Yeah, let's try to make this plugin as different from the movie as possible. I saw the movie. It could have gone as the next Star Wars. M. N. Shaulmon or however you spell his name even had a daughter that was a fan of the series. (I wonder if everything is going on between them "ok") (ok meaning neither is dead.)(jk)


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Yeah, let's try to make this plugin as different from the movie as possible. I saw the movie. It could have gone as the next Star Wars. M. N. Shaulmon or however you spell his name even had a daughter that was a fan of the series. (I wonder if everything is going on between them "ok") (ok meaning neither is dead.)(jk)


Verified Member
Yeah, let's try to make this plugin as different from the movie as possible. I saw the movie. It could have gone as the next Star Wars. M. N. Shaulmon or however you spell his name even had a daughter that was a fan of the series. (I wonder if everything is going on between them "ok") (ok meaning neither is dead.)(jk)
M. Night Shamalamadingdong*


Verified Member
Hey! There will be no discussion about such content on my threat, dammit! I just think it would be nice for fire to be able to use sources as well, even though they can bend from thin air. Why not make it even more OP, right?
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