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Denied Fire Evaporation

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Verified Member
Element: Fire
Use: water puts out fire, right? Well, fire evaporates water. Maybe if you used a move like fireblast it would destroy a block of water. This should be able to turn off and on, default off. If the waterbender was in the specific block the block would give the damage of fireblast every 5 seconds for 20 seconds(boiling damage)
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Verified Member
Probably. However the coders see fit. Maybe rain particles? That would make firebenders a little more buffed in the rain. ;)
I don't know if there are rain particles, but there are splash particles, which could work.


Verified Member
The reason why a firebender might want to use this to destroy water would be to slightly drag a bender to a nearby block. Although, that would kinda be futile to waterbenders since they have waterspout and can mega swim. Another way it could be useful is if fireblastt just hits the block waterspout is on, this might brake the waterspout. #DebuffWaterCampers
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