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Verified Member
  • Extraction[w][x]
    • Crafting Table Use
      • If the user has this move bound and right clicks a crafting table while on the slot, they should be able to split metal from objects and essentially "decraft" the item.
        • They would only be able to partially salvage items.
It should also work for personal inventory crafting grid that were/are crafted/craftable through it. For example, flint and steel item shoud be decraftable into flint and steel, without the use of a crating table; by placing into 2x2 grid's slot.

Same thing will be included for:
  • Trap Doors
  • Weighted Pressure Plate (Heavy obviously)
  • Shears


Verified Member
I really like this idea...... Like a lot...... Like if someone doesn't make this they won't even see the light of da.... Hehe Nevermind that, make this pleaseeeeeee!!!
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