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Denied Element Enhancing Items

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Meteorite (Earth): As seen in ATLA, I believe that implementing a meteorite as a portable earthbending source for moves such as EarthBlast would be useful and fun. Toph uses her meteorite bracelet to pick locks, find metalbenders, and would have used it to break out of prison if she hadn't removed it. This item should have unlimited uses.

Crafting: http://www.ezimba.com/work/140720C/ezimba16358280983300.png

Permission: bending.earth.meteorite

Uses: 200

Spirit Water (Water): As seen in ATLA, I believe that implementing spirit water to enhance the effects of HealingWaters could be useful. Katara and other water benders use spirit water for its healing properties in the tv show. When healing someone with spirit water, it could do Regen II as opposed to the normal Regen I effect applied from HealingWaters. Spirit Water will also clear any negative potion effects from the player it is used on. This item should have unlimited uses.

Crafting: http://www.ezimba.com/work/140720C/ezimba16358214325300.png

Permission: bending.water.spiritwater

Uses: 50

Air Glider (Air): As seen in ATLA, I believe that implementing the air glider to this plugin will allow a fun and useful feature for airbenders. Airbenders in both ATLA and TLOK use these air gliders to soar through the skies. Because allowing players to simply use this ability as /fly would be OP, the player would use this ability by holding the air glider in their hand, and jumping off a high point. They will glide forwards gracefully and can control where they fly by simply moving their crosshair in the desired direction. After 8 seconds the player will drift downwards where they will land on the ground safely.

Crafting: http://www.ezimba.com/work/140726C/ezimba16358245879700.png

Permission: bending.air.airglider

Uses: 50

Electrified Kali Stick (Chiblocker): As seen in ATLA, I believe that implementing this weapon to this plugin will allow a fun and useful feature chiblockers. Equalists in TLOK use these weapons to paralyze their enemies. When this item is used by hitting the enemy with a Paralyze-bound slot, the paralization effect will be enhanced, as well as a small amount of damage will be dealt to them.

Crafting: http://www.ezimba.com/work/140803C/ezimba16358268879900.png

Permissions: bending.chiblocking.kalistick

Uses: 100

White Dragon Tea (Fire): As seen in ATLA, I believe that implementing this item to Project Korra will deliver an interesting and fun aspect to fire as an element. Iroh portrays that good tea can be used as a catalyst for Fire Breath in ATLA. The player will right click the tea, and for 10 seconds after doing so, FireBurst for that player will turn in to FireBreath. When the player has selected the FireBurst-bound slot while under the effects of the tea, a constant stream of fire will be projected outwards wherever their crosshair points to.

Crafting: http://www.ezimba.com/work/140803C/ezimba16358226502200.png

Permissions: bending.fire.tea

Uses: 50

By Zolteex and Gahshunk292
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Verified Member
nether stars are hard to get, and the fact that you lose it upon dying will not make this great.


Verified Member
I have to say I agree with Ryoth, nether stars can indeed be hard to get, and farming them could take a while due to the lack of spawns of wither skeletons.
I love the idea a lot though, possibly replace the nether star with another rare item? Things such as:
Puffer fish or something of the sort(Water)?
Considering these only work while you have them in your inventory(that is my perspective about your post) I think the item should be rare, but not as rare as something as nether stars.
Feel free to change the nether star to what ever you think is appropriate or leave it as it is, and see what the developers think.
Thanks for reading!



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Oh, and Zolteex, from all the ideas you've posted and comments you've made.. I think it's time I asked...................
but seriously though



Verified Member
The fact that nether stars are indeed hard to obtain makes this idea balanced.
ashe36 is right, this is what we are going for. I believe that these items should not be easily obtainable, and be treasured instead of easily crafted with something like a diamond or puffer fish.
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All of you saying that it shouldn't take a nether start to craft it:
Imagine an earthbender that can be swimming in an ocean all while spamming earthblast, without pausing to select a source.


Verified Member
Also, will the AirGliders be brought back to EC? And if so will using the item have more effect and have a different crafting recipe similar to the netherstar-style? Could it possibly make moves that do knock back improve when held on that slot or even in your inventory? Or if the gliders will be strictly set for the "AirGlide" move we could use things such as fans or something similar? Just some simple ideas that I would love to see feedback on! (Also possibly something for fire? Not sure what though.)
You guys have some of the most fantastic ideas that I love reading, so please reply if you have a thought about other elements enhancing items!



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The Air glider will be added to this post soon. I'm hoping that every element will have a special item. Fire however has proven to be difficult for this.


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And also, for the spirit water, Katara used it on Aang while riding on the flying bison, Appa. What is your opinion on being able to use the spiritual waters while on land possibly?
Firebending however, I have no idea on how a item could improve it as it showed almost no item in the show that enhances it. Possibly something with breathing, but I have no clue, haha. Let me know if you think of anything for the fire enhancement item! Thank you!



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For fire I will be adding White Dragon tea to this post. This is the made from the flower often confused with the White Jade, that will kill you of consumed. More information coming soon.


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Imagine a waterbender spamming watermanip in the nether, oh wait they can with water bottles.
And it is not overpowered
The wither can 1 hit kill people with diamond armor, just for an ability what waterbenders can do...


Verified Member
Imagine a waterbender spamming watermanip in the nether, oh wait they can with water bottles.
And it is not overpowered
The wither can 1 hit kill people with diamond armor, just for an ability what waterbenders can do...
With water bottles they can easily drain when you are fighting something.. It happens quite often.
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