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Element Combinations

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Verified Member
Elements: All
All element combinations will be:
Water, earth
Water, air
Air, earth
Air, fire

Yes, I know I did not write water, fire and fire, earth. This is because I could not think of a logical combination.
Also: All elements can learn chi if that is what the owner wants.
Why: On many servers I have noticed normal players have the chance to gain a second element.
How to use: Make different combos that mix different elements.

Examples of combination combo moves:
WaterEarth: Shoot a watermanipulation packed with small rocks in it
How to use it: Earthblast (hold shift until a slab of earth comes up until the ground) --> Switch to watermanipulation --> Use watermanipulation
Remember: The watermanipulation has to hit the earth slab on its way to the target so that the earth can get caught in the water.

WaterAir: Intensify the speed and impact of a watermanipulation
How to use it: Watermanipulation(as usual) --> Airblast(blast the watermanipulation forward)

AirEarth: Intensify the speed and impact of an earthblast
how to use it: Earthblast (as usual) --> Airblast(pushing the earthblast)

AirFire: Create a fire tornado that does fire damage
How to use it: FireJet(Use jetblaze up)--> switch to tornado --> use tornado as usual.

I didn't add some combinations because I couldn't think of logical applications.


Verified Member
These combinations would be VERY server specific. On many servers there is only one person with more than one element (the Avatar), making these combinations very specific to that one person. This would be cool for a side combo to be made though.


Verified Member
These combinations would be VERY server specific. On many servers there is only one person with more than one element (the Avatar), making these combinations very specific to that one person. This would be cool for a side combo to be made though.
This is untrue, on most servers there are many avatars that come through donations. If this is not true for a server, there are still many servers that offer a "master" rank to players that master one element and give them a new one as a subelement.


Verified Member
Update: Also there should be a new skill known as coordination, and you can only have coordination with selected players. Meaning, if two players that have no coordination and teamwork with each other try to do a combination it will fail and may even backfire.

A player can add five friends to learn how to coordinate with in there bending. The two players can build up there coordination through battling other people with each other.


Verified Member
A player can add five friends to learn how to coordinate with in there bending. The two players can build up there coordination through battling other people with each other.
This seems like a ranking system now; something that would be more of a game in itself than just using the plugin. How would the plugin recognize the two players fighting together?


Verified Member
I am not a coder, but I am pretty sure the plugin knows just by observation. Ex. If I am a waterbender, and I tap shift to use watermanipulation, the other bender can't just throw the watermanipulation for me. This shows that the plugin knows which player is bending. Also, what is wrong with a ranking system. Also, it makes sense, it is like dancing, if you and another person tried to dance and were not coordinated you will fail horribly.
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
1) The plugin has no idea if you are fighting together or not
2) Ranking systems have been denied, especially for ProjectKorra Core
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