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EarthWave: A Technique performed by Toph and later Aang in The Crossroads of Destiny episode.
The Avatar Wiki said:
Earth wave: High level earthbenders can create a wave of earth to ride on and use it as a form of transportation,[25] as Aang and Toph have both done,[23] as well as Roku and Sud while training.[26] The downsides of the wave are that it takes a lot of energy to produce, as well as intense concentration; the slightest distraction could cause the user to lose control of the wave. They can also force a wave of earth outward and use it as an extremely powerful offensive attack, as both Aang and General Fong were seen doing during their battle[15]
  • Same of the shockwave principle, an earthbender with earthsmash selected, upon the fall from a great height an earthwave. This will jet up a sphere shaped boulder (if there is enough earth blocks for it to "manifest"). Than you can control two either ways:
    • Aang's version: after the boulder is created, the possessor of the boulder must hold shift before 2 seconds are up to start propelling foward to the direction where (s)he is facing, or else the boulder will collapse and a cooldown will be put in so that the user has to wait before he can construct another boulder. The Ride will last until its duration ends (which will be determined by the value it is set in config.yml) or voluntary by the bender, it can stop until the player stops holding crouch
    • Toph's version: after the boulder is created, the possessor of the boulder must sprint before 2 seconds are up to start propelling foward to the direction where (s)he is facing, or else the boulder will collapse and a cooldown will be put in so that the user has to wait before he can construct another boulder. The Ride will last until its duration ends (which will be determined by the value it is set in config.yml) or voluntary by the bender, it can stop until the player stop sprinting.
  • This Boulder can be easily stop by an earthbender and by other incidents:
    • Earthbenders can Collapse (literally, as in the technique) it by holding crouch for 3 seconds while keeping the crossheir at the boulder
    • If the rider happens to be not standing on the boulder with his/hers feet anymore
      • Can add up to this has an advantage for other earthbenders, with raiseearth-click on the approaching boulder to bounce the rider off it.
    • If a pile of blocks gets in it's pathway
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Verified Member
Reading the rejected EarthSmash mobility nerf by @SuperBower118, I feel like I need to bring this thread back to give out my points why I disagree with the current earthsmash version. Since nobody had left a comment in here yet and marked this thread, I think this goes as an exception for the "no necro post" rule and there for I think it won't go against it.

First off, "air surfing" with earthsmash is very odd and irrelevant. Realistically, the way how earthbenders with their power transport themselves is in the same as they would with a simple skateboard. One can only ride it, not grab on to and lift it in the air and expect to hover while standing on it in mid-air, which is what earthsmash likes to define that law's rule. Otherwise, we would have at least seen earthbenders, such as Toph, Bumi and Aang showing off this capability as fully trained benders.

Second reason why earthsmash should go along the ground, because its bending art suppose to be the least mobile element of all the four one's. While yes, catapult launches you pretty far away and super fast, you must take into the account that it is un-controllable and can only send you in great distance vertically, and for that I conclude it isn't one of best mobile move to rely on than of other 3 elemental counterparts.

@SuperBower118 @Loony @Green @Hero @Sosy13
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Verified Member
I do like the idea of having to ride earthsmash on the ground but I really don't get the point of having two different versions of the move that so the exact same thing....


Verified Member
I thought it was clear enough in my second reply that I didn't have to clarify it - for my reasons above, I think this should replace the current earthsmash ride function into earth wave.
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Verified Member
No the Aang's version and Toph's version why have both? It there a point to this?


Verified Member
There isn't, but I thought it would be nice thing to have for the player to use one of the 2 ways/controls on activating this move :p If devs won't like it, they could simply implant either the sprinting method or the crouching method.
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