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Verified Member
While this has been suggested and denied with the recommandation to remake it for the person whose idea was, so here I'm accepting that recommendation for myself and taking it's place. So what I would want is for add on EarthGloves to become an official move for EarthBenders, with a few changes in it:
  • Particles would represent the hands/gloves, making the player look like he/she's holding something. Maybe dirt particles that are steady but not moving.
  • A Source for EarthGloves to be created. You just shift the ground to put them to your hands, similar how you form WA( waterarms for short).
  • The earth source block you choose for earthglove ability, that block will be shot from your hand as a drop item entity. Also, that block will be in your EarthGlove slot after selecting it.
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Staff member
Head Moderator
Verified Member
Okay, but what does it do? You just kind of described what it looks like.


Verified Member
I'm pretty sure you cant link/repost suggestions without stating what it is in the post itself.
Done it 3 times and nobody said a thing that I didn't include a description what the ability is all about while the link says it all.


Verified Member
I could see this working if it worked like water arms and a dirt block moved with your hand until you shot it at a person. Otherwise, particles would be really hard to manipulate for this move.
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samson Galvin

Verified Member
Earth Gloves would be dirt blocks in your hand that could be shot out damaging the targeted player, like the dai li use. Also, if you shift and click to shoot out the gloves, they would latch on to the targeted player or object allowing you to pull it toward you or click again to throw them backwards. with the Earth gloves move binded, you could dig faster and punch harder as well. The particle for earth gloves could just be the mined dirt small block shot out.

I really hope this move gets made, it would be very cool to use.


Verified Member
I like the idea. Along with your bullet point, add an option to for Rock hanging?

With 1.9, after pk compability with it, I think this ability can be utilized some sort of way. My idea would be that while having this glove made, activating off-hand will have in that slot also an earthgrab. While it's active, you use both of those gloves at the same time, increasing it's speed, accuracy and capability to grab 2 players per use ,than using only main hand.

Earth Gloves would be dirt blocks in your hand
I don't think that would be a good choice to use a brittle block, as I doubt you will be able to do much damage to both, the player and the environment. :p
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