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Denied Earthbender is alittle bit nerfed when not on the ground

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Verified Member

Reliance on the lower body: Earthbending is at its strongest when the feet are in direct contact with the ground, enabling earthbenders to transfer their kinetic energies into their bending for fast and powerful moves. <...>.
I think we could do this tiny little detail to earthbending, from this fact I picked from the avatar.wikia.com site. Anyway, I'm gonna go straight to this thread's point - I will list all of debuffs of the listed techniques that will be applied when the bender of it happens to not stand on earth:
  1. EarthBlast: the range would be subtracted by 2 from the original number of the range option set in the config file,
  2. RaiseEarth&Collapse: both of them would have a delay, like a second or one and half.
  3. EarthArmor: would have a delay: duration reduce by 1
  4. EarthGrab: would take a 2/4 seconds for the whole high wall to elevate and grabbing others could 4/6 seconds; range would be subtracted by 5; collapsing with collapse the delay will be twice longer than collapsing raiseearth
  5. EarthSmash: two more seconds to charge up the ability.
That's all I got. Waiting for your share thoughts on this :)


Verified Member

I think we could do this tiny little detail to earthbending, from this fact I picked from the avatar.wikia.com site. Anyway, I'm gonna go straight to this thread's point - I will list all of debuffs of the listed techniques that will be applied when the bender of it happens to not stand on earth:
  1. EarthBlast: the range would be subtracted by 2 from the original number of the range option set in the config file,
  2. RaiseEarth&Collapse: both of them would have a delay, like a second or one and half.
  3. EarthArmor: would have a delay: duration reduce by 1
  4. EarthGrab: would take a 2/4 seconds for the whole high wall to elevate and grabbing others could 4/6 seconds; range would be subtracted by 5; collapsing with collapse the delay will be twice longer than collapsing raiseearth
  5. EarthSmash: two more seconds to charge up the ability.
That's all I got. Waiting for your share thoughts on this :)
I cant use moves in the air in the first place.


Verified Member
Although cute feature, I don't think is really needed. The majority of the time when you're not on Earthbendable blocks and you're actually using those Earthbending moves is a short time frame of when you jump or something. This suggestion is way too situational and I doubt anyone would notice any difference whatsoever. Because of this, I'm going to deny.
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