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Earth: Domino Technique

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Verified Member
Look at any pillar/wall that is minimum of 2 blocks tall and maximum of (raiseearth config value) width and size. This could be done on an existing structure or done by raiseearth. Shockwave while looking at the wall (the wave won't expand when close to that wall in 2 blocks gap way, but it will still effect the wall)...

Remember when Aang and Toph did the domino-knock off technique at the Royale Palace and later to extinguish forest fire? Same thing in-game.

After performing this extension of shockwave, all the top blocks except the first one from the bottom will fall over forward from its original position. Anyone that gets in it's way when these blocks are falling over, the damage will be dealt (it should hurt if a bookcase fell over you). This can be used as a close combat or as a distant attack (depending of the size of the wall) or to extinguish area in front of the wall or used it with the combination of raiseearth to make one.

That's pretty much it.


Verified Member
I like this concept, but I'm not sure how well this would work in practice.. Walls falling over might be a big hard to make look good and work well.


Verified Member
Welp, in blocky style (without turning them into falling entities), the second and all above it blocks will lean over forward, than the third block with all the above will lean forward, and the forth block.. and so on.

I forgot to mention that this will also push other walls/pillars that are caught by its fall, hencing the name of this ability.
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