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Denied Earth block and levitation

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Verified Member
Earth block - technique of EarthBlast
- Pressing Sneak on a (earth)block that has air above it, the block will lift up itself in the air for a few seconds (in a similar fashion of EarthShard) before falling down to its previous location. The Maxium height it can reach is 2 blocks.
- Punching that block or left clicking a target before the blocks fall back to its position, it will fling itself towards the thing/direction you clicked at. This will have the same properties of an ordinary earthblast attack.
- Serves as a temporel and 1-use defensive tactic, breaking right after a elemental projectile, crumbling afterwards leaving the user saved from the projectile.

Earth levitation - technique of EarthBlast
- Holding Sneak on a (earth)block that has air above it, you will be able to move the block (as non-entity) with your crossheir.
- With this feature, you can place the bendable block whenever you desire. To do so, you stop sneaking onto/under/next-to a block where you wanna place it. If done on mid-air aim, the block will drop by gravity.
- Punching that block will launch itself towards the direction you clicked at from you. This will have the same properties of an ordinary earthblast attack.
- Serves as a temporel and 1-use defensive tactic, breaking right after a elemental projectile, crumbling afterwards leaving the user saved from the projectile.

Couldn't find a gif for a second technique, but it would obvious why a earthbender could do seeing what they can with earthsmash. First technique is just for sole new esthetical look to give an earthblast something new than the same boring blast.

The other is for to give an utility in terms of giving the opportunity to use earthbending in building activity, without the need of gathering certain blocks with a respectively proper tool and cluttering your inventory with those collected buildable blocks. It would make logical for the player to finish building ____ with one more missing stone block, by just taking a stone block next to you and moving than placing it on that gap with earthbending and, instead of necessary trying to find or craft a pickaxe by spending its materials with required crafting bench and afterwards mine that block with it (which all of this is time consuming and not easy than just simple moving that block with earthbending).


Verified Member
I quite honestly can't see the point in this. It's basically EarthBlast with on extra step and making it co-exist with EarthBlast would make it unbalanced since we would have the issue with FireJet having 3 identical moves.


Verified Member
I think this is great and very necessary, it adds some much needed realism and allows more control.


Verified Member
I think this is great and very necessary, it adds some much needed realism and allows more control.
How does it add control? If anything you are just losing it because you probably cannot redirect it and even if you can, it's still a copy earthblast.


Verified Member
This just seems like replacing EarthBlast with EarthShard except you can only use one at a time. Firing an EarthBlast is instant, the thing that makes you feel like it isn't is because you're selecting a source. I don't see much use for it to hover in the ground and I feel it may look a little weird. I'm going to deny.
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