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Denied Earth block and levitation [again]

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Verified Member
With EarthBlast active, an earthbender upon crouch and aiming at a bendable block will cause the block to hop into air (if above that block nothing occupies...) at the height of benders torse. It erupts from the ground at the same as of the time when it turns into stone (how it currently does) This serves a temporary defense for the bender's upper body where it covers, but weaker than of a raiseearth. .The Block stays there for a (mili)second before falling back to its original location, but while it is air a bender can blast as of any regular earthblast. If above the block ,that you are about to crouch, has a block on it, the hovering mechanic won't function. EarthBenders often used this animation in Avatar The Last Airbender and Legend of Korra than the current earthblast that is in the plugin

Right Click while crouching&aiming at a bendable block, will allow the bender to move it telekinetically (the block will be under the control of your crossheir position), because why not - illumination can light up the place, airbubble creates a bubble underwater to breath, and this would allow to build a structure one block at a time. Right Clicking when it is in contact with a block will attach it to that block. Letting go of crouch will return that block to its original place. If above the block ,that you are about to crouch, has a block on it, the telekinetic mechanic won't function.


Verified Member
Do not repost please. First, a millisecond is very fast. So if you want to actually shoot this earth blast version, you would actually have to spam left click so you can actually get the thing to work. Even if it's just an exaggeration, no one would want to feel pressured in aiming and shooting something.

I'm not against being able to pick up earth and do what you want, but unless you are building a bridge or filling holes, it won't be used much.


Verified Member
Well, than not a mili second. Just make the speed of the same regular earthblast before and after its shot. I wouldn't have reposted this if the Concept Designer had responded to the thread.

That's the point of the variation - to build structure.
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Verified Member
A concept designer did reply to your old thread. Please do not repost threads that were denied.
This just seems like replacing EarthBlast with EarthShard except you can only use one at a time. Firing an EarthBlast is instant, the thing that makes you feel like it isn't is because you're selecting a source. I don't see much use for it to hover in the ground and I feel it may look a little weird. I'm going to deny.
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