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Complete Disable one element

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Verified Member
If i am not mistaken currently there is no way to disable some specific element(s) if you are an avatar(there is no way to do /b t element <element>)

What is suggest is that you can do /b t element <element> to disable that element.That way if an avatar wants to learn waterbending with out having the air and the earth buffs he can just do /b t element earth and then /b t element air.Then to reactivate the element you can do /b t element <element>.The binds of the element(s) disabled will be kept but they will not be able to be used.It is /b t element <element> so it is different from /b t <name> that is used to disable somone's bending
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Verified Member
Sounds really cool, but I'm pretty sure that if you do /b t <name> it toggles THEIR bending - so if someone is naimed earth/water/air/fire/chi there'd be an issue..


Verified Member
Sounds really cool, but I'm pretty sure that if you do /b t <name> it toggles THEIR bending - so if someone is naimed earth/water/air/fire/chi there'd be an issue..
Well that would be extremely rare but i can change it to /b t element <element>
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