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[Deleted] Bending Permissions

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White_Knight28 submitted a new resource:

Bending Permissions - Allows the viewing of pk permission nodes though commands

This is a plugin for use with the ProjectKorra Core and Items plugins.
This plugin allows you to look up ProjectKorra permission nodes with simple commands. Some of the commads list the following:
-Ability permission nodes based on element
-Avatar permission nodes
-Element permission nodes
-SubElement permission nodes
-Command permission nodes
-PkItems permission nodes
-The permissions for the plugin

bendingpermissions.bendingperms - Allows the given player to use /bendingperms...
Read more about this resource...


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White_Knight28 updated Bending Permissions with a new update entry:


-Added in two new commands:
/bendingperms bloodbending - Shows bloodbending permission nodes
/bendingperms avatar - Shows avatar permission nodes

bloodbending perms can still be found in the other sections, avatar perms however are only located in /bendingperms avatar now as of this update.

-Added new permission nodes
-Added new permission nodes for the plugin:
bendingpermissions.bendingperms.bloodbending - Gives access to /bendingperms bloodbending
bendingpermissions.bendingperms.avatar -...
Read the rest of this update entry...


Verified Member
I suppose it works but this is why I bookmark the wiki page
(It's quite slow)


Verified Member
The wiki page atm has about half the permission nodes that I put in the plugin
The wiki is fine, besides before the Bending plugin was PK I added onto it, I know like all the perms off by heart, my point is you can find the bending permissions literally everywhere


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Thanks for making this xD I asked for this in a suggestion thread for core. So is this only for bending items and core? Will you update it for other plugins like spirits and such?


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Thanks for making this xD I asked for this in a suggestion thread for core. So is this only for bending items and core? Will you update it for other plugins like spirits and such?
When they come out and are useful yes. Also adding some other stuff probably in another small update, since other plugins are so undetermined on release date.


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Ok. I wous love to try to help but it's your call. XD I understand if you don't let me since it is a small plugin just for perms xD


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And maybe you can add a small thing to let you add perms to a group when it reads your pex file for permissions. Same with all other permissions plugins


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ok. Just copy the pex code for adding things but change the command so like /ppk addperm (grgroup) (perm)


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Could you set a config or something so we can edit the colors. All the &d color chat doesn't look good
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