brent logan
Verified Member
Why you want to be a Moderator: I would love to be a community moderator because i love reviewing websites and checking them.
Prior community Moderating experience: I have been accepted to moderator on 3 websites but I retired.
Relevant Skills to Moderating a Forum / Community: Some people on their website promoted me to community moderator to co owner. They trusted me with everything and i did not let him down.
Time Zones you can cover: Im on mostly all the time. I love Project Korra so im on mostly always.
My Skye if i get accepted: brent loggan (p.s gabe my little brother made it so down says gabe.jackson95)
Prior community Moderating experience: I have been accepted to moderator on 3 websites but I retired.
Relevant Skills to Moderating a Forum / Community: Some people on their website promoted me to community moderator to co owner. They trusted me with everything and i did not let him down.
Time Zones you can cover: Im on mostly all the time. I love Project Korra so im on mostly always.
My Skye if i get accepted: brent loggan (p.s gabe my little brother made it so down says gabe.jackson95)