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Suggestion Counter attack.


Verified Member
Correct me if I'm wrong but fire is also an element were it uses the enemy's power and strength against him.
So I came up with a move that covers that.

As you may know from the title, it's a counter attack for fire benders and works only if the enemy attacks with fire.
This is what counter attack do;

It consumes the enemy's attack or flames and dmg him. If you do it right you may also regain some health too.
To counter attack you have to use fire shield the moment its about to hit, that means if the blast is 1 or a half block away from you. If you succeed not will you only block it but the enemy will receive dmg equal to what strength was put in the attack.

Now if fire isn't an element were it also uses the enemy's power and strength against him.

Counter attack can actually be a move you bind and is a move for all benders, and blockers.
You use it the way you normally use fire blast and air blast. Just click.
Beware it only works if the enemy attacks with the same element as you have.

No cooldown.

Oh I almost forgot, to counter you have to click on the blast 1 or half block away. That means you can't counter if your not looking directly at the move or attack.


Verified Member
Fire is the element of power. Water is the element of change and they usually use their opponents strength against them. Having this as a move would also take away one precious slot so if anything it should be a passive. Also blocking a move doesn't always redirect it right back to the enemy.


Verified Member
If you didn't read the title nor what I said in the suggestion post its not about blocking a move, I said a counter attack witch means block the attack and counter with it. OK block and counter with it, to put it more simple capture/block the attack and use it against him. Get it now.


Anyway, your right about blocking a move doesn't mean its gonna get redirected, but a counter does. And this post is about counter not blocking.

#Internet, you have to be specific about everything to avoid misunderstandings #truth.


Verified Member
Correct me if I'm wrong but fire is also an element were it uses the enemy's power and strength against him.
So I came up with a move that covers that.

As you may know from the title, it's a counter attack for fire benders and works only if the enemy attacks with fire.
This is what counter attack do;

It consumes the enemy's attack or flames and dmg him. If you do it right you may also regain some health too.
To counter attack you have to use fire shield the moment its about to hit, that means if the blast is 1 or a half block away from you. If you succeed not will you only block it but the enemy will receive dmg equal to what strength was put in the attack.

Now if fire isn't an element were it also uses the enemy's power and strength against him.

Counter attack can actually be a move you bind and is a move for all benders, and blockers.
You use it the way you normally use fire blast and air blast. Just click.
Beware it only works if the enemy attacks with the same element as you have.

No cooldown.

Oh I almost forgot, to counter you have to click on the blast 1 or half block away. That means you can't counter if your not looking directly at the move or attack.
1:firebenders have no capibillity of healing powers, besides a little spirit healing.
2:idk if this is exactly canon
3:no cool down, in the right hands this would make firebendes the most op cuz it's element has much power and LOW DEFENSE MOVES, this would make it so it has almost no cons


Verified Member
1: true
2:(no respons)
3: In real life, if someone constantly punches you, do you wait a few seconds before you can counter again, you'd be long gone before you can counter a second time.

Besides its a passive move modified by bending or more like a passive for bending.

And just because it has no cool down doesn't mean its op. It has 2 weaknesses i can come up with so far,
1. The one thats suppose to counter it have to look at the move itself 1 or a half blocks away.
2. Only works if its the same element as you have, in this case it only works if your fire.

Now, if your still not satisfied let me make a few changes.
The move that you counter can be countered back at you again but twice as much power and force.
Now to make that work.
I said in the suggestion post that if you manage to counter the move it'll dmg the enemy with equal force to what was put in the attack.
Well if you counter the attack it will only change directions, lets say;

The enemy shots a fire blast at you, then you manage to counter it, but the enemy won't get damaged immediately. The fire blast that you countered will only change directions and will go at the direction your looking at. Its something like this

(enemy)Fireblast ---------> (you)

instead of this
Witch was the one I meant in the suggestion post.

(enemy)FIreblast -------->(you)
(enemy) damaged counter(you)

It's similar to how you would change direction to an enemy water manipulation.
Only it works with fire shield. Now I have to make sure that its exact to avoid misunderstandings.
"Only it works with fire shield if your a fire bender."

Means if your a fire bender you can only counter a fire blast or any fire moves with fire shield.

If this isn't enough or if your not satisfied, you can only counter 5 times. You regain 1 attempt every 20seconds.

#Make sure to read full sentence before making comments, don't wanna look stupid and ask the things that have already been said.


Verified Member
btw spam clicking won't work, you will only make the attack twice as powerful, I mean spam not if you missed it one or two times.


Verified Member
So you look directly at a fireblast, click at it, and then it somehow does damage to your opponent that could be 15 blocks away? Seems canon


Verified Member


Verified Member
Omg you guys are... haha I don't even.

What I mean is, the fire blast will only change directions, the enemy won't get damaged right away. He will if he gets hit by the blast you countered.

Get it now or do I have to start treating you guys like 5 year olds.
Just incase I have to, I wish I could post a pic but its like this. When the enemy shots a fire blast at you and you counter it, it will only change directions.
It works the same way as water manipulation, yes I had to say water manipulation instead of manip since this explanation is mainly for those who didn't understand my first one #kids, so its the same as changing direction to your enemy's water manipulation, just as earth blast as well. When someone shots an earth blast at you, you can change its direction by just having earth blast bind and highlighted, Highlighted means having it selected to you hot bar, then you just click on the earth blast and then you can shoot it back at your enemy.

I hope you get it now because I can't explain further then that.
And owlcool I think thats a personal problem.


Verified Member
Omg you guys are... haha I don't even.

What I mean is, the fire blast will only change directions, the enemy won't get damaged right away. He will if he gets hit by the blast you countered.

Get it now or do I have to start treating you guys like 5 year olds.
Just incase I have to, I wish I could post a pic but its like this. When the enemy shots a fire blast at you and you counter it, it will only change directions.
It works the same way as water manipulation, yes I had to say water manipulation instead of manip since this explanation is mainly for those who didn't understand my first one #kids, so its the same as changing direction to your enemy's water manipulation, just as earth blast as well. When someone shots an earth blast at you, you can change its direction by just having earth blast bind and highlighted, Highlighted means having it selected to you hot bar, then you just click on the earth blast and then you can shoot it back at your enemy.

I hope you get it now because I can't explain further then that.
And owlcool I think thats a personal problem.
Correct me if I'm wrong but fire is also an element were it uses the enemy's power and strength against him.
So I came up with a move that covers that.

As you may know from the title, it's a counter attack for fire benders and works only if the enemy attacks with fire.
This is what counter attack do;

It consumes the enemy's attack or flames and dmg him. If you do it right you may also regain some health too.
To counter attack you have to use fire shield the moment its about to hit, that means if the blast is 1 or a half block away from you. If you succeed not will you only block it but the enemy will receive dmg equal to what strength was put in the attack.

Now if fire isn't an element were it also uses the enemy's power and strength against him.

Counter attack can actually be a move you bind and is a move for all benders, and blockers.
You use it the way you normally use fire blast and air blast. Just click.
Beware it only works if the enemy attacks with the same element as you have.

No cooldown.

Oh I almost forgot, to counter you have to click on the blast 1 or half block away. That means you can't counter if your not looking directly at the move or attack.
You put in that you regain health from redirecting fireblast...And making fireblast redirectable is kind of a no no unless you actually suggest something to buff it...And you can easily block fireblast by just clicking at the fireblast with fireblast, so this really isn't that much of a needed debuff...Next time try to get your post well enough ironed out that you won't have to be this disrespectful to multiple people that now hate you.
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Verified Member
This is really unnecessary. Anyone with skill can manually counter, as said by @finnbon. Also, please stop with the hashtags. i cri everytim


Verified Member
If you didn't read the title nor what I said in the suggestion post its not about blocking a move, I said a counter attack witch means block the attack and counter with it. OK block and counter with it, to put it more simple capture/block the attack and use it against him. Get it now.


Anyway, your right about blocking a move doesn't mean its gonna get redirected, but a counter does. And this post is about counter not blocking.

#Internet, you have to be specific about everything to avoid misunderstandings #truth.
Doesn't explain anything clearly. Pretty sure we can read your mind.
Sorry It's our fault.