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Complete Chiblocking needs to actually chiblock!

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Verified Member
Ive already tried and tried to get mist to re-implement the ability to actually chi block opponents using rapid punch. I know that some would say this is OP, but in reality, it makes it much more accurate to the show. "Chi blocking is utilized by hitting pressure points with quick jabs and punches and must be done rapidly, often giving little time for the recipient to react. Ty Lee hit those pressure points with relatively light jabs using her fingers and knuckles. Even people wearing strong, but not necessarily heavy, armor are not spared from its effects."
It basically nerfs the chiblocking aspect of CHIBLOCKING! it's "passive" now, but I havent seen this actually happen. I think that the way chiblocking was originally (In orion's plugin) was much more accurate to the avatar universe. In the quote I provided from the avatar wiki, it says that chiblocking is done through rapid punches, which is literally what rapidpunch is... It should be the only way to temporarily nullify an opponents bending.
Maybe to equal it out, you make it so if a player has iron armor on, it doesnt chiblock, or if they are using eartharmor, it doesnt work.
This skill is imparative for
genuine chiblocking.
If some people want it (which a lot of people do) you guys should AT LEAST make it
configurable, rather than ruining chiblocking for everyone... just my 2 cents.


Verified Member
There should be a config that looks like this
damage: ___
number of punches: ___
blocks chi: true/false
duration: ___
cooldown: ___


Verified Member
Right now when you are paralyzed, the player can't bend for a while after... Well that's what I have experienced being chi blocked (rapidpunched) and trying to swim away afterwards, that of which I had to wait a while to be able to speed swim away..
What build are you using?


Verified Member
I am using the newest beta. I am saying that rapidpunch should chi block people! It literally says in the wiki, and it's displayed on the shows, that being punched rapidly is what leads to temporarily losing bending. It really throws off a lot of chiblockers now, because there are nowhere near the same possibilities as there were before.


Verified Member
Mistphizzle has said that doing this was intentional, but I think it should at least be configurable.


Verified Member
I am using the newest beta. I am saying that rapidpunch should chi block people! It literally says in the wiki, and it's displayed on the shows, that being punched rapidly is what leads to temporarily losing bending. It really throws off a lot of chiblockers now, because there are nowhere near the same possibilities as there were before.
That's what it does right now... It stops bending.. Well from whenever I've been chiblocked. I got rapidpunched and it took forever for me to be able to waterspout again.


Verified Member
I'll have to do more testing with this, but in the past few weeks, it hasn't worked like that for me.


Verified Member
No, It doesnt do that at all, It does not stop a bender from bending, and doesnt disable bending at all. Ive just spend 25 minutes testing this over and over.
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