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Verified Member
I believe that chiblockers should have the ability to "block". What I mean by block is when the player binds "Block" to their hotbar, when ever they hold shift, they would be given resistance X ( X is for configuration purposes) for as long as they hold shift. To prevent from this "move" from being over-powered, we could:
  • Make a medium to large cooldown.
  • Give them Slowness 3 so they couldn't move for the time holding shift.
If you are wondering why in the world would anyone give chiblockers defense. That is because even though chiblockers are pretty much total offense, it would make sense to give chiblockers a defensive move. Firebenders is an offensive type element and they have firejet and fireshield.


Verified Member
[Just to add if you want to change anything]
Block cannot get rid of knockback. :p
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