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(Chi) HighJump improvement

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Verified Member
Hey all, this is my first post and thereby my introduction. I'm MikaDo, mainly a Chi blocker or Water bender and that's all you need to know about me :p.

Now onto the suggestion. Highjump is arguably the least powerful skill in a Chi blockers skillset. It is completely inferior to Acrobatstance, which gives the same jump height without the cooldown. My idea is to make Highjump more easy to use and more distinctive.

1: The jump is triggered by a left click > The jump is triggered by the space bar.

I don't know is this is technically possible, but just throwing it out there. Everyone in minecraft jumps with the spacebar and has generally mastered timing it to jump large distances and cliffs. It would make it more fluent, in my opinion.

2: Jumps a large height with a short cooldown > Jumps a larger height with a medium cooldown.

This change sets it apart from Acrobatstance. It allows to Chi blocker to jump 5 blocks instead of 4 (Acrobatstance & current HighJump height). This opens up many more possibilities, such as reaching areas normally unreachable or knocking water- and airbenders out of their respectieve spouts.
In exchange for power, a significantly higher cooldown only seems fair.

3: Fall damage > No fall damage on landing 5 blocks or lower

Jumping higher means higher fall damage. This issue can be fixed, but might be able to seperate the good Chi blockers from the great.
My proposal is that if you land 5 blocks or less below your highest point (which means jumping on a flat ground grants no fall damage, but jumping 1 block below your starting point does). It opens up counters for flying / spouting enemies and doesn't enable you to jump off a mountains without a scratch.

If you guys remember the Boiling Rock fight on the gondola, when the guards are cutting the line, Azula and Ty Lee make their escape. Azula blasts herself of with some fire, but Ty Lee jumps a considerable distance and lands without damaging herself. This is what I want the skill to be, a situational but powerful tool to be able to adjust to your surroundings.

What do ya'll think? If you don't like the idea, please give your reasons so I can think of a solution.
Thanks for reading!
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Verified Member
Chi blockers already negate fall damage.
But that is only triggered by running and Acrobatstance :/
Do you think it's necessary to add the fall damage negate to the jump as well, or do you think players should just run/be Acrobatic?

Also, what is y'all opinion on the higher jump/higher cd thing? It's more of a balance issue, but adjusting it can really seperate the skill from Acrobatstance.
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
It would negate all fall damage, for one thing
Erm, no it wouldn't I believe :confused: . I once made a double jump thing, not sure if it's the best way but I did this.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
   public void toggleFlight(PlayerToggleFlightEvent e){
     Player player = e.getPlayer();
     if(player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE){
       ParticleEffect.VILLAGER_HAPPY.display(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 1F, 100, player.getLocation(), 256D);
   @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
   public void move(PlayerMoveEvent e){
     Player player = e.getPlayer();
     if((player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE)
         && (player.getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0).getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR)
         && !player.isFlying()){


Verified Member
It would negate all fall damage, for one thing
Maybe that isn't so bad after all.

My idea was mainly to make Highjump a skill for itself, which it isn't atm.
A higher jump and a safe fall, in exchange for a long cooldown was my first idea. Now that I see customizable fall damage (more than 5 blocks gives dmg etc.) is not an option, we can make 2 Combat uses for jumps into 1

1: The Chi blocker jumps very high and is able to climb steep terrain or hit opponents in the air. (which I guess it's currently meant for, but fails its purpose)

2: The Chi blocker gains a safe landing.

With a high cooldown, this (now) very powerful skill forces players to think about the tradeoff, do I get to safety with a safe landing, or do I use it offensively for a high jump?

Just throwing out some ideas
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Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Maybe that isn't so bad after all.

My idea was mainly to make Highjump a skill for itself, which it isn't atm.
A higher jump and a safe fall, in exchange for a long cooldown was my first idea. Now that I see customizable fall damage (more than 5 blocks gives dmg etc.) is not an option, we can make 2 Combat uses for jumps into 1
1: The Chi blocker jumps very high and is able to climb steep terrain or hit opponents in the air. (which I guess it's currently meant for, but fails its purpose)
2: The Chi blocker gains a safe landing.

With a high cooldown, this (now) very powerful skill forces players to think about the tradeoff, do I get to safety with a safe landing, or do I use it offensively for a high jump?

Just throwing out some ideas
In this situation if the chiblocker has nothing bound and jumps off a mountain, s/he still takes no fall damage


Staff member
Plugin Developer
Verified Member
Erm, no it wouldn't I believe :confused: . I once made a double jump thing, not sure if it's the best way but I did this.
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
   public void toggleFlight(PlayerToggleFlightEvent e){
     Player player = e.getPlayer();
     if(player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE){
       ParticleEffect.VILLAGER_HAPPY.display(0.5F, 0.5F, 0.5F, 1F, 100, player.getLocation(), 256D);
   @EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.NORMAL)
   public void move(PlayerMoveEvent e){
     Player player = e.getPlayer();
     if((player.getGameMode() != GameMode.CREATIVE)
         && (player.getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0).getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR)
         && !player.isFlying()){
That is basically how its done, but if player.getAllowFlight() is true, they take no falldamage
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