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Charging/cooldown bar for abilities

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Verified Member
Hello PK community members!

I've just made an account and I've searched through the suggestions board for similar suggestions and couldn't find anything similar. Sorry if this has already been suggested though.

I'd like to suggest a charging/cooldown progress bar on top of the screen for abilities.

Loading :
So, instead of the "Testing barAPI" you could add something like "Charging..."
The line would load/charge and it should sync with the particles on abilities such as :
Lightning, FireBlast and other.

(The bar shows when the player is holding "shift" with the ability slot selected.)
The bar part of the plugin could be toggled on/off to reduce lag. (If it actually does)

Cooldown :
This one is similar, but instead of charging from Left -> Right, it'll "discharge" from Left <- Right .
This will work with abilities which require a cooldown, such as RapidPunch, Combustion and SmokeScreen.

The bar will activate when the player has the following slot selected and will show the amount of time left until the bender can use the ability again.

Thank you for reading.



Verified Member

I don't see PK adding this as a legit feature of the main plugin, so expect more hope as an addon ;3


Verified Member
Well the way it works is by summoning a Custom named Boss usually the wither boss because it's more silent (correct me if I'm wrong) and having one for every ability, for every player would bring a huge amount of lag to the server. This is something that should be added but with some changes.


Verified Member
I dont think you actually have to summon a wither for it. I think some particular plugin allows you to do it without having to summon any entity.
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