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Boots should cancel out tremorsense ability

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Verified Member
Change: When an earthbender wears boots, that are made of an material that isn't bendable (gold, diamond), an earthbenders ability to "see" the ground should be disabled as long as they are removed from the benders feet.

Reason: When Toph tried her new shoes for the first time, she realized she wouldn't be able to see her surroundings with her feet, so she kicks off the soles from the shoes, leaving a hole in there to allow her passive seismic sense to function. Similar case happened for her daughter, Lin, when she was required to performed seismic sense to search if a cave was hidden below the basement, she retracts her sole from her metal armor's boot than stomps the ground to sense the presence of the cave. Both of these scenes suggest, that the only weakness for this ability is shown, that it is necessary for the user to have direct skin contact with the surface in order to sense things around it.
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