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Better lava cooling for air

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Verified Member
My suggestion is that air should have a more effective way of cooling lava. The current method for cooling lava is very inefficient and in the end, you can only get a few blocks of lava actually cooled, and it is pretty much no help when a lava bender is lava bending at you. I believe air should be able to cool lava slightly slower than lavaflow does (but it would turn to obsidian, no stone).

PLEASE START AT 2:55!!!!!!
I'd like to point out that Aang is not in the avatar state at this point, and that is the only time we see him able to bend elements he doesn't know yet (At this point he did not know earth or fire, the two elements known to cool lava). And since there was no water around that he bended to cool it, it is clearly an entirely air move.

I do not know exactly how this should be implemented, but I do feel as if air should be able to cool lava better instead of just making a few scattered lava blocks turn into obsidian.


Verified Member
Yes, and I'm not saying that the move should be as powerful as shown in the clip, but as I explained, the only element it could possibly be that is being used here is air, and I think air should be able to cool it in a more systematic way.


Verified Member
Can air really cool molten rocks? Nah, wouldn't make sense scientifically. Then again, we're all shooting fire out of our palms... Still, air isn't strong enough to cool lava, unless the airbender is able to lower the temperature of the air being bent. No, not really something airbenders should do xP


Verified Member
Well, I'm not arguing whether it's possible or not, I'm just pointing out that Aang clearly cooled the lava with air. And technically speaking, that much room temperature air probably would cool lava to some degree.


Verified Member
PLEASE START AT 2:55!!!!!!
I'd like to point out that Aang is not in the avatar state at this point, and that is the only time we see him able to bend elements he doesn't know yet (At this point he did not know earth or fire, the two elements known to cool lava). And since there was no water around that he bended to cool it, it is clearly an entirely air move.
He did bend water at the very first or second episode ,which he at that time hadnt been thougt how to waterbend. So he didnt actually done it once (unless you want to point out that he didnt use avatar state ,so thats true)


Verified Member
Can air really cool molten rocks? Nah, wouldn't make sense scientifically. Then again, we're all shooting fire out of our palms... Still, air isn't strong enough to cool lava, unless the airbender is able to lower the temperature of the air being bent. No, not really something airbenders should do xP
The way the air cools the lava is the fact that the lava exchanges heat into the air, and then the air is moved away and different air is brought there to be heated up.. This cycle is how almost everything cools down in nature..


Verified Member
You can't blow on a pot of boiling water and expect it to cool. "How is boiling water like lava?" Lava is keeping itself heated, plus assistance from the lavabender, so if you suddenly came along and started firing wind into the lava I wouldn't expect more than the lava being moved around.

Air just isn't strong enough to cool molten rocks that are being heated by earthbenders as well. :p


Verified Member
He did bend water at the very first or second episode ,which he at that time hadnt been thougt how to waterbend. So he didnt actually done it once (unless you want to point out that he didnt use avatar state ,so thats true)
In the video, Aang was clearly NOT bending water. It was only air, which actually did cool down the lava. He was in the AS when he did first bend water, but in the video, he wasn't.

P.S. If you're going to use commas, put them in the right place. :I


Verified Member
You can't blow on a pot of boiling water and expect it to cool. "How is boiling water like lava?" Lava is keeping itself heated, plus assistance from the lavabender, so if you suddenly came along and started firing wind into the lava I wouldn't expect more than the lava being moved around.

Air just isn't strong enough to cool molten rocks that are being heated by earthbenders as well. :p
In the show and in the plugin, lava benders are not concentrating on heating up the lava after it is made. Once it's made, it's just normal lava, and it is normal lava that aang cools.


Verified Member
I think that the way air cools lava now is fine. I mean when are you going to be needing to cool lava? While mining? You can just mine around the lava or bring a bucket. When a lavabender uses Lava Flow? Use Air Blast or Air Suction to push them into the lava. There isn't much need for airbenders to be able to cool large amounts of lava...


Verified Member
I can understand lava being cooled by air in the AS, but regular airbenders don't exactly need to cool lava. Much like ^JewFro states.


Verified Member
I think that the way air cools lava now is fine. I mean when are you going to be needing to cool lava? While mining? You can just mine around the lava or bring a bucket. When a lavabender uses Lava Flow? Use Air Blast or Air Suction to push them into the lava. There isn't much need for airbenders to be able to cool large amounts of lava...
What about the nether? And what about the pools of lava that can be found deep in caves where avoiding them would be a waste of many resources? And other elements have the ability to cool large amounts, so why do you only question why air would need it?


Verified Member
It wouldn't be much use in combat, but it's a good utility skill to have, and it does have a basis to what is shown in atla.
True it is a good utility, but do we really need a utility to cool lava for every element? I mean, air can already freaking fly. Isn't that good enough?


Verified Member
What about the nether? And what about the pools of lava that can be found deep in caves where avoiding them would be a waste of many resources? And other elements have the ability to cool large amounts, so why do you only question why air would need it?
Well, air can already cool it.


Verified Member
True it is a good utility, but do we really need a utility to cool lava for every element? I mean, air can already freaking fly. Isn't that good enough?
This guy has a good point. Air is already pretty strong, so I don't think that it is one of the elements that needs worked on right now. However, this suggestion is being "Looked Into" so I'm not sure how fighting this would change anything. I just don't see the realistic-ness in this add-on.
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