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Denied beam of souls

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Verified Member
This is a makeble variant of the other soul beam thread that needs a tilted beacon beam.

only usable in avatar state

Cooldown: extremy long
damage: very high
warmup: medium-long
takes 5 hearts of damage to your self

After a medium - long warmup time the user will be lift up in the air (2-3blocks) and his head will be tilt to the sky . The user is now protected to any form of damage.
The weather will be changed to storm and if its day also to night for the extra dark felling that the clouds blocks the sun.(if its possible i maby 10 steps and not just black in a second
then a beacon beam will go from the users face to the sky.
The beam will go awey after 2seconds and the user will fall down on the ground and will be damaged 5 hearts or more.(cant move for 3seconds and then get slowness and nausea for another 10 seconds)
then a lighting bolt will hit every player in a 25blocks wide area( the damage will be shared between the players in the area)
if its 1-2 players it will kill them even if the have diamond armor
if its more players like 3-5 it will take 7 damage.
Sorry for my english, im swedish

hope you guys like it and leave a comment if something need the be added or taken away☺


Verified Member
I havent watch the show more than just some few episodes.
but i thought that it could be a cool feature and in the combustion ray post i think
There is proff from the series that the avatar was able to transfer the power of the souls to a beam that he fired from his chest


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I havent watch the show more than just some few episodes.
but i thought that it could be a cool feature and in the combustion ray post i think
There is proff from the series that the avatar was able to transfer the power of the souls to a beam that he fired from his chest
It is not possible to change the direction of a beacon beam...


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Read the discription before your start to complain
I am not complaining at all. Maybe you should be a little less rude if you actually want ppl to like it.

Now you wanna play rude? Kk, can have it.

It actually just sucks. It makes 0 sense. Weather bending was never in the show nor would it make sense in minecraft. That lightning makes no sense. The current lightning move has been changed cuz it didn't look right, you wanna bring it back in with an even more sh*tty reason? It's clear you never paid attention to the series. First learn what bending actually is, before posting new ideas.


Verified Member
This is terrible combustion is bent with fire bending from the mind not from bloody souls... Terrible idea


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Bending isn't some sort of magic. Get to know what it is... (I'm quite sure you also say chi benders instead of blockers...)


Verified Member
I havent watch the show more than just some few episodes.
but i thought that it could be a cool feature and in the combustion ray post i think
There is proff from the series that the avatar was able to transfer the power of the souls to a beam that he fired from his chest
This ability wasn't in the show at all.

to make a suggestion on these forums, I'd recommend watching more of the show so you actually know more about bending; this move isn't even possible with energybending.
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