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Written Combo Code: AirBurst (Sneak without charging) > AirSuction > AirBurst (Hold Sneak) > AirSuction (Left Click)
Combo Explanation: Player taps sneak with AirBurst selected, then switches to AirSuction. If he decides to hold sneak instead, he then has to switch to AirSuction bind while still holding crouch without fully charging the ability [because or else the particles position wouldn't match the perfect position of how this ability actually suppose to work ...]. After executing the second sequence, move to Airburst and hold sneak (or continue doing it if you are) to fully charge it. After it's charge, particles will gather around to form a shape of a ring, in the area where the range of airburst ends [this is what I was referring to, about particles, because this combo will carry a different affect than this ability which I later on will be relieved in this description]. Now, while still holding this push down key/button, switch to AirSuction and left click while clicking. After the click, particles in this circle will swarm inwards in this circle (in other words - to the player), pulling anyone that is inside it closer to the center (again player), which pretty much serves as a opposite affect of airburst [this is what I was talking about, which makes sense on why this flock of particles would be position away from the user in a different pattern and the logic behind the first 2 steps I inserted]
How this steps make up for a combo (shorten version): First AirBurst steps I thought for to give a logical look for the particles to be position right for the excuse to not be charged up. Following AirSuction step is just for mere add-up to make up for half the combo's execution, and its reasonable that replacing it with the first-step's place wouldn't be good for the good look, which after sneak would result in a floating blob of dust in random location with less relative connection to what this combo is about to do. The Rest proportion is what makes up for the actual move: AirBurst selecting the source from where the current is gonna move, and AirSuction being the trigger that causes the wind to be pulled.​

This is a combo, that deals an opposite affect of an airburst - it pulls players in an AoE fashion.
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Verified Member
To pull people in an AoE, which is something was never introduced in the plugin yet. For short, this would diversity. Since airblast has its airburst, I think it would be great airsuction to have its own move - AirJucture.
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