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AirCombo: AirBullet

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Verified Member
Here is a suggestion for another AirCombo ability.

Name: AirBullet

Description: Combo: Airswipe (left-click) > AirBlast (right-click) x3 > AirBlast (left-click). Release quick bursts of air from the fists to deal quick damage.

How it could work: The airbenders can use the AirCombo while moving (hence why there are no sneaks in the combo). AirBullet is meant to be all about speed but lacks greatly in damage. 4 AirBullets could be fired with each left-click. AirBullet could be fired in succession very quickly (around the speed of how AirBlast can be). The damage of each AirBullet would be 1 damage (0.5 hearts). I do not think AirBullet needs a cooldown. The range of AirBullet should probably equal that of AirSwipe and I think it should look a lot like AirBlast but leave a much shorter trail of particles.

I think AirBullet's speed compensates fairly for it's lack of damage. In my mind it's just the right balance. The maximum amount of damage it could deal is 2 hearts. I thought an even amount of blasts would make sense for this ability since it would be reminiscent of alternating between both fists quickly.

I think this ability makes sense, it has been used quite a few times by Aang and Korra. It is effective for dealing damage fast so it could be good for throwing an opponent off with repeated blows. Its speed is fair compared to other abilities too. If you compare the damage to abilities like Blaze, EarthBlast and WaterManipulation (one from each element), these can deal much more damage and can be used repeatedly at great speeds, then AirBullet cannot be called overpowered in any way because its speed. In fact, airbenders seem to be the only benders that cannot deal any direct damage at a speed which can match the other elements despite its being debatably the fastest element and airbenders are the quickest movers.

AirBullet would be a fantastic addition for an ability of logical and worthy speed and allow airbenders to attack fluidly with a precision which they have lacked for a long time, especially compared to the other elements.

I hope you enjoy the idea of this ability as much as I do. Feel free to leave helpful comments and any suggestions to make AirBullet as appropriate for this plug-in as possible will be welcomed. Thank you very much. :)
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Verified Member
I think this combo would be a great addition to Airbending. With the other current Air combos, you have to hold shift the entire time. This would break that up and give Airbenders their mobility back while doing combos. I'd love to see this implemented into the plugin!


Verified Member
I think this combo would be a great addition to Airbending. With the other current Air combos, you have to hold shift the entire time. This would break that up and give Airbenders their mobility back while doing combos. I'd love to see this implemented into the plugin!
That's exactly what I was thinking. Airbenders need an AirCombo ability that doesn't break their flow of mobility, so I'm glad we agree on that. Also, it's great you want to see it implemented. I appreciate the kind words. :)


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AirSweep doesn't break the flow of mobility, and with most shifting combos you can do the formula while you are in the middle of the jump so that you are still moving by the time the combo is executed.


Verified Member
AirSweep doesn't break the flow of mobility, and with most shifting combos you can do the formula while you are in the middle of the jump so that you are still moving by the time the combo is executed.
True, but sometimes using sneak can break fluidity, which is what I'm thinking equals mobility as the greatest factor. When I think about it it's the fluidity coinciding with mobility that makes an airbender a powerful force in combat and without it they would lack a great amount of skill, especially in PvP. I just think the structure of this AirCombo would be wise for airbenders to provide the smoothest execution.
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After thinking about it more, Twister and AirSweep both don't break fluidity if you get good with them. Unlike FireWheel where you actually have to be standing on the ground and right clicking blocks, AirSweep and Twister can both be executed in the air without disrupting momentum at all. The fact that you have to press shift shouldn't be considered a disruption unless you have to hold it down while cycling to another ability, in this case Twister would be a disruption if you are standing on the ground. AirStream definitely limits an Airbenders mobility but that's alright.

Airswipe (left-click) > AirBlast (right-click) x3 > AirBlast (left-click)
The AirSwipe would work in this formula but the AirBlasts would push the enemies back before they could take damage from the AirBullets since the Combo abilities don't actually stop the previous abilities from happening.

One horrible thing about bukkit is that you can't deal with right clicks unless the player is right clicking a block. That was the reason why I had to make FireWheel execute from a player right clicking the blocks in front of them instead of just right clicking anywhere.


Verified Member
Aaaaaaah... Okay then. Gosh, I guess that would mean the combo formula would need changing if implemented then. Nevertheless, does it seem like a prospect? I think it would make sense with some minor adjustments, but that's all up to you.


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It would be cool if we could have had the combo alternate between left and right clicks as if you were controlling the punches, if only it was possible. I'll keep AirBullet in mind.
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Verified Member
It would be cool if we could have had the combo alternate between left and right clicks as if you were controlling the punches. I'll keep AirBullet in mind.
Actually, that sounds like a really good idea. I'm not entirely sure all the things you can do with coding, but I love that idea. It really keeps the players in control of their bending and it will help players strive to become better benders; the more skilled they become the more effective the AirCombo would actually be (being able to complete it in general as well). Plus, it makes so much sense that the players have to control the ability in the nature of it, in this case, with quick succession.

I'm glad you'll keep it in mind. I think airbenders should have an ability with precise attacks like this. It would be great. :)


Verified Member
After thinking about it more, Twister and AirSweep both don't break fluidity if you get good with them. Unlike FireWheel where you actually have to be standing on the ground and right clicking blocks, AirSweep and Twister can both be executed in the air without disrupting momentum at all. The fact that you have to press shift shouldn't be considered a disruption unless you have to hold it down while cycling to another ability, in this case Twister would be a disruption if you are standing on the ground. AirStream definitely limits an Airbenders mobility but that's alright.

Airswipe (left-click) > AirBlast (right-click) x3 > AirBlast (left-click)
The AirSwipe would work in this formula but the AirBlasts would push the enemies back before they could take damage from the AirBullets since the Combo abilities don't actually stop the previous abilities from happening.

One horrible thing about bukkit is that you can't deal with right clicks unless the player is right clicking a block. That was the reason why I had to make FireWheel execute from a player right clicking the blocks in front of them instead of just right clicking anywhere.
I've noticed, if you space out the combo components in the formula, that the original ability bound doesn't activate with the combo. However, in terms of fluidity, it would so it could be problem.
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